5 salad toppings that don't help in weight loss

By Lois D. Medrano | Oct 01, 2015 | 06:00 AM EDT

Fresh salads are a staple in the dietary plans of most health and fitness conscious individuals. However, while vegetables and fruits are nutrient-dense and low in calories, adding the wrong toppings can make the innocent salad into a weight management nightmare. Navigating the salad bar can be tricky but if you learn how to identify the worst toppings out of the selection, then it will be easier to have a healthy salad.

Here is a list of the top five worst salad toppings that you need to avoid and the healthier alternatives to help in your weight loss journey.

WORST: Dried Fruits

During the dehydrating process, dried fruits not only lose its natural water content but are given additional sugar and oil, making the supposedly healthy fruits high in calories. Nutritionist and plant-based dietitian Julieanna Hever tells The Huffington Post that it's best to skip the dried mango strips and Craisin altogether because you will not get anything from them except added fat.


Nutritionist Kayleen St. John recommends adding fresh apples, blueberries or grapes to your salad for added sweetness and a boost of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

WORST: Mayo-based dressings

The Daily Meal writes that the seemingly innocent creamy dressings are often made from mayonnaise, making them rich in fat and extra sodium. These ingredients can add in more calories and are also bad for the heart.

HEALTHY ALTERNATIVE: Vinaigrettes or olive oil

Try lighter options like a drizzle of olive oil or a combination with lemon juice or balsamic vinaigrette. Besides being a healthier option, these choices are delicious as well. If you think you can't give up your ranch dressing just yet, try dipping your fork tip in the dressing before each bite to get enough of the taste without drowning the salad in dressing.

WORST: Fried chicken or shrimp

While protein should always be added to your salad, try to avoid anything that is fried, personal trainer Jillian Michaels writes on her website. These fried foods are loaded with unnecessary calories, sodium and fat.

HEALTHY ALTERNATIVE: Grilled food items

Whether it's chicken breast, shrimp, tuna or salmon, grilled food items are a better choice to get your protein from because you don't have to add any oil or salt. It also retains the nutrients in the food, making them maintain their health benefits.

WORST: Croutons or bacon bits

The Huffington Post adds that while these toppings are tasty and add that satisfying crunch, croutons don't provide any nutrients while bacon bits are simply calorie-dense.

HEALTHY ALTERNATIVE: Homemade toast or roasted chickpeas

If you really want a crunchy finish with your salad, a crumbled whole grain toast or roasted chickpeas can do the trick. These options are rich in vitamins, antioxidants and fiber to add more nutrients to your salad.

WORST: Glazed or sugared nuts

While nuts are rich in protein and loaded with nutrients, these options are covered in sugar which adds more calories, The Daily Meal adds. Worst of all, they are roasted from unhealthy oils that can harm your heart.

HEALTHY ALTERNATIVE: Raw nuts and seeds

Chia seeds and almonds are wonderful sources of vitamin B and protein. They are also low in calories and can help in digestion. Best of all, they have a satiety factor that curbs hunger pangs, helping you in your weight management.

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