5 best foods for a healthy sex drive

By Staff Reporter | Oct 16, 2015 | 06:00 AM EDT

Thinking of ways to spruce up a romantic evening out with the significant other? If sex is in the agenda and you're feeling like your sex drive is hitting some speed bumps, check your diet. You may not be getting the right vitamins and minerals you need for an optimal time between the sheets. In fact, you may lack particular nutrients from food that affect hormone levels and energy levels. Here are some foods that may help.

1. Oysters. These sea creatures are said to be aphrodisiacs thanks to their high zinc content, which according to Health helps the body produce testosterone, which is critical in regulating both women and men's libido and sexual function. Telegraph reports that a 2005 study by Italian scientists uncovered two amino acids in bivalve molluscs that when injected into rats triggered the production of testosterone in males and progesterone in females. Dr. Antimo D'Aniello from the Laboratory of Neurobiology in Naples explained, "Increased levels of those hormones in the blood means you are more active sexually."

2. Chili. According to Chicago Now, the capsaicin in chili, which produces heat, helps boost endorphins and release feelings of euphoria, thereby putting you in a good mood, possibly for lovemaking. What's more is that capsaicin helps burn fat, which is great considering that you'll burn a lot of calories during sex.

3. Chocolate. Another feel-good chemical that your body can produce to get in the mood is serotonin, which according to Health, may play a role in sexual arousal. Enter chocolate, which contains tryptophan, which helps the body produce serotonin. Chocolate also contains phenylethylamine, which is commonly known as a "love drug". Additionally, US News Health reports that a 2006 study showed that those who consumed chocolate daily had higher sexual function scores than their counterparts who did not eat any chocolate.

4. Asparagus. According to Shape, natural hormon-balancing foods such as asparagus can help boost a person's sex drive. It contains large amounts of vitamin B6 and folate, which boosts arousal and orgasm, and vitamin E which stimulates both men and women's sex hormones.

5. Avocado. Not surprisingly, the superfood that is avocado may also contribute to a better sex drive because of its unsaturated fats, which are good for the heart. A good heart keeps the blood flowing all over the body, and blood flow is very important for erection. In fact, according to Express, men who have underlying heart diseases are 50% more at risk for erectile dysfunction. Avocados also contain a wealthy amount of omega-3 fatty acids that naturally boosts your mood.

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