5 tricks to help you lose weight

By Staff Reporter | Oct 23, 2015 | 06:12 AM EDT

Weight loss is a tricky process with speed bumps that may easily discourage. Here are a few tips on how you can make the best out of your weight loss journey and possibly lose more pounds without realizing it.

1. Eat healthy before heading to the grocery. Reuters reported that those who have not eaten all afternoon opted for more high-calorie foods in a supermarket than those who had a snack before shopping for food online. Amy Yaroch, head of the Gretchen Swanson Center for Nutrition in Omaha, Nebraska said, "Even short-term fasts can lead people to make unhealthy food choices. Don't go shopping when you're hungry and you don't have a list, because you're just going to buy all sorts of junk food."

2. Trick your eyes and use smaller, blue plates. Have you ever noticed how almost no food stores or restaurants have a large amount of blue on their logo? Reader's Digest reports that according to researchers, people eat 33 percent less in a blue room because the bluish hue of the light makes food less appealing. SELF also reports that according to new research, people eat less when the color of the plate is in contrast with the colors of food. This may be because food on a dark colored plate (like black or blue) looks bigger in portion size than when it is on a white plate. Of course, smaller plates also mean smaller portions, so go for smaller ones if you're on a diet.

3. Keep healthy food within reach and keep them visible. About Health reports that according to a study, those who eat healthy food often choose to do so because nutritious foods are visible and easy to reach. Likewise, keep junk food in cabinets or places that are hard to reach, and keep fruits in a bowl at the table, where it's easy to pick up.

4. Change your mindset or how you speak to yourself. Men's Health spoke with PEAK Performance trainer Kyle Fields, who said that a shift in attitude may help the weight loss process. He said, "Envision yourself as a hero character. Get a salad instead of a sandwich. Work out even though you’re not in the mood. Go to bed an hour earlier to get a full night's sleep. Don't do it because that’s what you’re supposed to do—do it because you’re a hero and that’s what heroes do." Men's Health recommends changing words in your thoughts may make a difference. For example, instead of "I have to work out", you can say, "I want to work out", or "I have to eat a salad" can be substituted with "I want to eat a salad."

5. Reward yourself with non-food items. Most of the time, dieters may equate rewards for weight loss or a perfect gym score to a plate of hot pasta, a tub of ice cream, or anything indulgent. But instead of opting for food as a reward, try buying yourself a book that you've always wanted to read, or a dress you always wanted to fit into. In fact, Women's Health reports that money may be a good weight loss motivator, and that according to a study, those who received financial incentives were more likely to continue weight loss programs compared to those who did not receive any incentives.

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