7 one-minute weight loss secrets you need to be doing now

By Staff Reporter | Nov 05, 2015 | 06:30 AM EST

One of the hackneyed and widely-used alibis that we commonly use in order to justify our latest skipping of our intended pre-scheduled workout is the lack of time. We are just too busy to sweat our shirts off and, in turn, we are not shedding those unwanted and appallingly-looking flabs in our bodies. In order to address this, there are now those latest fitness ideas that were designed to help you cut back on some pounds—and, all you'll ever need is a minute spare of your precious time. Check out this seven one-minute weight loss secrets below:

Sip a Green Tea

Prevention.com recommends sipping a green tea before taking a walk because it can help you burn fat more easily as the caffeine content of the tea works on the fatty acids. The green tea also has antioxidants like polyphenols that complements the caffeine in helping your body burn more calories.

Drink Water First Thing in the Morning

It also helps when you down a glass of water as soon as you wake up in the morning, wrote My Thirty Spot. This glass of water in an empty stomach can help you lose a few pounds, as compared to those who don't, says Virginia Tech researchers. Drinking water before your meals can also make you feel full and avoid overeating.

Incorporate Exercise to Your Daily Routine

In doing so, you are forcing to make yourself work a little bit more. PositiveMed advises taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and parking your car from a distance instead of closer proximity to your office so that you will be walking more every day.

Start with the Salad

Chatelaine.com mentioned the case of one Jennie Wilson from Toronto who has lost 40 pounds in just a couple of years. What she does is to load up her plate with salad before going straight for the main course. This is also a healthy way to avoid consuming too much food high in calorie.

Do Some Really Quick Exercise

Another solution is to do jumping jacks or squats for your break. While some people have cigarette breaks, these quick workouts is a healthy alternative to boost your heart rate and burn some calories, wrote JourneysOfAWoman.

Cut Back on Your Sugar Intake

Sugar is toxic to your body, says NaturalLivingIdeas.com. Not only does it pack the unwanted calorie, it also creates havoc to your system like damaging your heart and brain, increases risk of depression and diabetes, among others.

Make Use of a Weighing Scale

This is one of the best ways to stay on track on your way to a slimmer you, according to My Thirty Spot. You have an idea of where you stand and on how much you need to work on.

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