Hot dog officially not a sandwich – find out what it is!

By Staff Reporter | Nov 11, 2015 | 06:00 AM EST

Many people debated whether hot dog between bread is considered as a sandwich or not. It might sound funny to some, but this has become a great issue in the United States.

According to, the official press release from the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council (NHDSC) states that a hot dog, a popular meal-on-the-go in the U.S., does not fall into the sandwich category.

Instead, they considered it as a food, a verdict of joy. They said it is a verb that describes one "showing off" and it is also an emoji. They emphasize that it is something that is definitely separate from the sandwich category.

A statement has also been released that saying that a hot dog is just a sandwich is equivalent to saying that Dalai Lama, a respected monk of the Yellow Hat school of Tibetan Buddhism, is just a guy.

According to Janet Riley, who is the president of NHDSC and the 'Wien,' there might be a time when the importance of the hot dog could only be limited by pushing it into a much larger category of sandwich, but that time has already passed. Right now, the position is different.

The NHDSC president also pointed out that they choose to declare their namesake to be a hot dog instead of its former namesake "sandwich."

Are you curious as to how NHDSC came up with a decision to separate hot dog from a sandwich? Well, the decision has been made right after observing and noting its impact on American history. They also considered the USA-governed nuance regarding the hotdog in a bun's open nature.

The stated the USDA regulatory definitions for both close sandwich and open sandwich.

According to them, those that fall under the close sandwich should contain at least 35 percent cooked meat and should contain no more than 50 percent bread. Sandwiches under this category are not amenable to inspection. However, inspection is possible if it is requested and if it is under reimbursable Food Inspection Service.

On the other hand, they have a different definition for open sandwiches. It should have at least 50 percent cooked meat. Unlike the sandwich - close category, it is amenable to inspection. Also, it is an obligation to show the true product name of the sandwich. An example of a product name is "Sliced Roast Beef on Bread."

Hot dog did not fall to any of these two categories.

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