How Music Can Positively Affect Your Mind

By Auj Lazaro | Oct 15, 2013 | 17:05 PM EDT

For anyone who loves music, one should be surprised that it does not just make you feel relaxed but can also make you smarter and help you stay positive all the time.

Here are some of the ways how music can lift your spirits and inspire you to do more with your everyday life:

 It Makes You Think Of Colors

The PsyBlog mentioned that music can make anyone think of colors due to mix of cultures that music is related to. In a particular study that involved music listeners from the US and Mexico showed that dark colors are related to music pieces that are sadder. This just means that the relationship of color and music is based on the emotional content of what you are listening to.

Enhance Your IQ And Other Mental Capacities made a list of top ten benefits your brain can get from listening to music. It can certainly make you a lot smarter based on scientific findings and other media analysis. Besides, it's plainly common sense that when you learn to play any instrument, you won't just learn a new thing. It can definitely make you more intelligent.

Improve Your Memory And Lengthen Your Attention Span

The site also added that when the brain processes anything with regards to music, it is enhanced to process more information faster and better. In fact, the music of Mozart or any other music pattern that has a 60 bpm pattern activates both your right and left brain simultaneously. It can also help improve the sense of focus and length of concentration one can allot on something regardless of the age.

A New York Times blog post written by Perri Klass, M.D. encourages parents to involve their kids on getting to learn how to play a musical instrument during their early years. Certain studies say that the benefits kids get when they engage with music lessons can extend up to the latter years of their lives.

Other noted benefits music can bring include treating of heart disease, making people bond closer together, improve body coordination, boosts immunity, alleviate pain, and a lot more.

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