Top 5 Rapid Weight Loss Diets for 2015

By Staff Reporter | Dec 21, 2015 | 05:30 AM EST

It is easy to say that you are going to go on a diet than to actually do it. One of the many reasons why it is difficult to lose and maintain weight is because people are not following the most effective diet plans. Know the best diet plans that will help every person aiming to burn fat to achieve the results that they are looking for!

Sugar-Free Diet

Among the best and the most common diet plans is the sugar-free diet. Well, the name says a lot about it already. In this kind of diet, the person should reduce or even completely avoid sugar intake.

Sugar is a major cause of obesity. In fact, The Guardian reported that a lead doctor claimed that sugar, and not fat, is actually the number one cause in the obesity epidemic. It just makes sense as to why people are encouraged to lessen their sugar consumption.

Total 10

Unlike the sugar-free diet, total 10 diet is not that popular. It is also quite different from the others considering that it only lasts or up to two weeks. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that it is as effective as the other great diet plans!

Total 10 dieters should focus on dieting for 10 days - thus, the name is Total 10. They can still consume carbohydrates and almost everything that people normally enjoy. However, they have to give up artificial sweeteners, processed foods, wheat and carbonated drinks.

Dieters will be asked to eat every hour or two. However, they should not eat too much. They should also rely on eating healthy foods, such as low-glycemic fruits, vegetable broth and other similar foods, according to the Supplement Police.

Dukan Diet

The Dukan diet is quite a popular diet plan. It originated in France. It also has a different attack. The first phase is that a person should strictly consume proteins only. They can freely eat anything that is on the list of foods for the first phase. The first phase can be done for only a day or for as long as ten days (depending on how much weight a person needs to lose). The second phase is the crucial phase where the dieter should follow two alternating diets, the Daily Mail reported.

This diet plan is quite strict. There is only a limited list of foods that dieters can eat.

Low-Carb Diet

The low-carb diet is probably the most popular diet plan in the world. This diet is so simple. The person should just limit his carbohydrates consumption. They shoud be avoiding wheat, trans fat, sugar, HFCs and highly processed foods as much as possible.

Vegetarian Diet

Vegetarian diet is also popular. Many people have already heard about this. Some people who follow this diet are just animal-lovers who do not want to harm and kill animals for eating. On the other hand, other people follow this diet to lose weight or to have a healthier lifestyle. Consuming only vegetables and fruits can help in cutting shedding easiy.

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