Top 10 Most Dangerous Celebrity Weight-Loss (Gain) Strategies

By Czarmecin | Jan 06, 2016 | 04:45 AM EST

Celebrities always look good, especially on cameras. They have that beautiful skin and petite frame that many wanted to achieve. Have you ever wondered what they do with their bodies to come up with those impressive figures?

According to DivineCaroline, here are the top 10 dangerous celebrity weight loss or gain strategies that enable them to achieve the looks that they are enjoying today.

  1. Jennifer Aniston's Baby Food Diet - Money Crashers reported that Aniston trimmed down with this diet. She reportedly ate 14 servings of baby food in addition to a healthy dinner.
  2. Madonna's Air Fasting - You will never ever gain weight with "Air Diet" because you will not consume any calorie. Per U.S. News, the idea is to go through the motion of eating without taking a bite. Put food on your plate, cut it, dig the fork, hold it up to your mouth, savor the scent and put it down.
  3. Beyonce's Master Cleanse - For at least 10 days, one has to give up solid foods in favor of fluids. This includes four cups of salt water each morning, a cup of herbal laxative tea at night and six to 12 glasses of lemonade.
  4. Jessica Simpson's Smoothies - Simpson's shed the extra weight she gained after daughter Maxell was born by consuming three smoothies a day and two healthy snacks along with it.
  5. Jessica Alba's Corset Diet - One must wear a corset before and during meals to constrict waist and consume less food. However, while it may be effective, wearers risk themselves from damaging internal organs.
  6. Christina Aguilera's Color Diet - This diet only allows you to eat food of a certain color each day for a week. The primary source of calories in this diet is from fruits and vegetables.
  7. The Rock's Calorie Fest - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson maintained his big muscles and body by consuming over 5,000 calories. He eats seven meals and 10 pounds of food, and do a two-and-a-half-hour strenuous workout.
  8. Adriana Lima's Water Fast - The Victoria's Secret Angel cuts all solid food prior to her annual fashion show and only takes protein shakes, vitamins and supplements.
  9. Marilyn Monroe's Salmonella Shake - Monroe started her day with raw eggs whipped in warm milk, which exposed her to salmonella risk.
  10. Joe Cross' Juicing - Cross shed his extra pounds by consuming juices alone, which is not safe at all. However, he was successful in his weight loss goal.

These strategies are effective, but not safe. What do you think of these weight loss and weight gain hacks? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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