Celebrity Chef Gina Neely Shares Her Healthy Tips Using Seafood

By Julio Cachila | Jan 07, 2016 | 04:32 AM EST

Seafood is known to bring in a lot of healthy benefits and celebrity chef Gina Neely advocates for it.

Neely, who is known for her role as co-host of the Food Network's “Down Home with the Neelys,” is now an ambassador for the Seafood Nutrition Partnership, AL reported.

Neely, who loves salmon, grouper, tilapia, and any kind of fish tacos, said that eating fish has improved her health. This started happening when she, at age 45, began to incorporate more seafood into her diet.

"When you start eating seafood you have instant results," Neely claimed. "You have more energy, you feel good, you don't have that dragging feeling. You feel it in your heart when you eat it."

For chef Neely, taking care of the heart matters most and eating fish is one of the ways that she sees as very helpful for it.

"The heart is the biggest priority,” she said. "You've got to love your heart."

For those who are looking for more ways to enjoy fish as well as encourage others eat this healthy protein-rich food, chef Neely has some tips:

- “Make a salmon burger or fish tacos – something fun that reminds you of a food you like.”

- “Make a night of it – call it Fish Night or Seafood Sunday. Use special ideas to bring everyone together.”

- "Season the fish with butter, lemon or lime juice, and your favorite seasoning. I love to use smoky paprika."

For those who think that acquiring the right kind of fish as well as fish preparation will be hard, Neely said that it's quite easy. She revealed it's best to talk to the local grocer, as most of them actually prepare the fish so that it's ready to cook.

She added that, when fresh fish or sushi-grade tuna aren't available, canned tuna will do the trick too.

Seafood is known to be very beneficial to human health and research has proven that, Everyday Health reported.

First, it is known to prevent heart disease. A Danish study has found that those who rarely ate fish had 50 percent more heart problems compared to those who regularly ate fish.

Next, it improves the skin and hair. Those who are looking for a more natural way to get healthy-looking skin and shinier hair will get some help from consuming fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Fatty fish that are rich in omega-3 are also helpful in fighting against depression. In fact, it was found depression was treated better when medications are combined with an intake of omega-3-rich fish, compared to taking just prescription medicines only.

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