Top 5 Brazilian Weight Loss Tips to Kickstart Your 2016

By Czarmecin | Jan 08, 2016 | 05:41 AM EST

If weight loss is the number one item on your New Year's resolution and it has been on the first spot for years, it is high time to resolve it. You are not alone in your journey. Just do a little research and you will surely find a person or materials to help you kick start on your weight loss journey.

According to Vox, Brazil has the best nutritional guidelines in the world. Per the report, their national guide is not based on nutrients, calorie count or weight loss. They do not use pyramids or child-like plates. Their secrets? They focus on meals that encourage citizens to cook whole foods at home.

So what's the best start to begin your weight loss than incorporating the Brazilian guide to your routine? Here are the top five Brazilian weight loss tips to help you shed those extra pounds this year, The Atlantic has learned.

  1. Avoid processed food on your diet. If possible, use natural or minimally processed food. Bank on "beans and lentils, rice and corn, potato and cassava, tomatoes and squash, orange and banana, chicken and fish." Health experts agree that fresh, whole foods are great for weight control because they are harder to gorge.
  2. Eat regularly and avoid snacking. Their guideline is encouraging everyone to enjoy the food they eat. One should eat in a comfortable and quiet places where there is no pressure to consume an unlimited amount of food. Moreover, one should skip snacking between meals.
  3. Be meticulous when doing your grocery. When shopping for your consumption, if possible, opt for organic and agro-ecological based foods. It is preferable to buy it straight from the producers.
  4. Prefer freshly made meals. When you are away from home the most convenient place to eat are in fast-food chains but that's a poor choice. Go for self-service restaurants or canteens instead.
  5. Do not be deceived with the food advertising and marketing you see. The purpose of the ads is to increase product sales and not educate the people, so be skeptical with whatever you read, heard or see about a product. "Be critical and teach children to be critical of all forms of food advertising and marketing," their guideline said.

In the Brazilian guideline, one is advised to seek a "nutritionally balanced, delicious, culturally appropriate, and supportive of socially and environmentally sustainable food systems." So, enjoy a healthier and fitter you by following these tips. These strategies are effective in achieving the body you have always dreamed of.

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