10 Pregnancy Myths Busted!

By Julio Cachila | Jan 11, 2016 | 07:32 AM EST

While pregnancy is an exciting thing, most pregnant women are bombarded with a lot of myths that cause them to worry about the baby and pregnancy itself. To help with that, here are ten of the most common pregnancy myths and the truth about them.

Pregnancy is a Blissful Time

While others think that pregnant moms enjoy every moment of their nine-month pregnancy period, pregnant moms know otherwise.

"People think you feel wonderful and special and euphoric," Leslie Hartley Gise, M.D., a clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Hawaii, told Parenting. "But pregnant women can become depressed or anxious, too."

To help pregnant moms deal with the lows during pregnancy, Dr. Gise suggested finding balance between work, physical and emotional needs. Having someone to lean on, like your spouse, partner, or close friend will help too.

Your Partner Will Not 'Feel Your Pain'

Though your partner may not literally “feel what you feel,” your relationship with him just might get even better. For example, take Laurie Russo, who developed a closer tie with her husband.

"He was very understanding and took over the cleaning and cooking. He was always ready to listen," said Russo. "He knew what I needed more than I did."

You'll Experience Side Effects and Symptoms Common to All

Although some symptoms, like an increased sensitivity to odors, are common, some are not. There are rare pregnancy-related conditions like ptyalism that happens to some, but not to all.

Pregnant Women Should Sleep on Their Left Side

This is just plain wrong, as sleeping on the left side the whole time will be hard on the left hip, Time reported. Instead, try getting as much sleep whatever way you can, even if you sleep on your back.

You'll Crave Pickles and Ice Cream

Pregnant women might crave for pickles, but not just that – it could be anything. Some chocoholics might instead turn to fruits, salads or even starchy foods like bagels to satisfy their cravings.

Experts said these cravings aren't necessarily bad, but getting your doctor's advise as well as eating in moderation will greatly help.

You'll Need to Eat for Two

Apparently, this is a no-no, according to WebMD. A pregnant woman needs only about 300 extra calories to promote the baby's growth. Eating two adult-sized servings will add up to the mom's weight, which might lead to a cesarean section at delivery.

A Bigger Baby is Better

This is not true. The average baby weighs about 7.5 lbs. and babies born heavier than that are at a higher risk for obesity and diabetes later in life.

Goodbye Seafood!

Nope, seafood is not banned. However, fish that are high in mercury need to be avoided, The Bump reported. Sushi is also permissible, except for shark, tilefish, swordfish and mackerel. Tuna should also be eaten in small amounts not exceeding 12 ounces per week.

No More Coffee

Although some women are advised to give up coffee due to a possible risk for miscarriage, coffee in moderation is not banned, according to Nancy Chescheir, a clinical professor of maternal/fetal medicine at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Walking Might Quicken Labor

False. Although the idea that walking might help push the baby out seems quite logical, walking is not associated to any activity that might induce labor.

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