Timeline For Celebrity Workouts That Stars Practice To Ready For Awards Season

By Czarmecin | Jan 15, 2016 | 05:03 AM EST

During Academy Awards or Oscar, celebrities look amazing than their ordinary days. They are in their best gown, best shape and best smile. But, have you ever wondered how celebrities transform themselves during the awards season?

Experts said, "The real effort happens weeks - even months - in advance," Daily News reported. Of course, celebrities are already endowed with questionable glow and beauty but they still do too much effort to prepare for the big event.

Here's the timeline of their preparation for the awards season per Marie Claire.

A few months before the big event

The celebrities are typically moderately in good shape but the awards season is a grand event for them so they start their preparation by working out. They work out to perfect their shape and achieve that flattering figure the moment they wear their gown in the red carpet. Speaking of gowns, they also contact their stylist and designer for their get up on that occasion.

A month before

Pretty sure, the dress for the event is already done. If the gown is strapless and midriff baring that's like Spanx, they usually work out to make it more flattering when they wear it. In this stage, some bring fitness expert Lacey Stone to help them achieve their target shape. Usual workouts include cardio, spinning or high-intensity interval training, yoga or sculpting classes. For those who are already in their perfect shape, they still do a 20-minute workout three days a week to maintain their shape.

24 days before

At this time, they work more on their diet. Some hire a private chef or sign up for a meal delivery service like Klean. Klean founder and CEO Kiki Heinzer offers a 24-day package to help clients develop a healthy eating habit.

One or two weeks before

At this time, celebrities get laser hair removal, microdermabrasion, peels, botox, fillers and professional teeth whitening. "It's always in huge demand among celebrity patients, especially during awards season," said Dr. Bill Dorfman, celebrity dentist in Los Angeles. Dorfman suggested Philips Zoom treatments; it whitens the teeth in just one sitting and takes less than an hour. This is costly, the prices range from $200 to $500 depending on the dentist, but the price is not an issue with celebrities.

During the big day

On this day, everything is already prepared. They can now slow down and enjoy a sauna before the event. They would have their hair and makeup done and fit in their beautiful tuxedos and gown, ride on the car and enjoy the event.

Celebrities prepare much for these events because it is their special night and, on that event, they are "examined under a magnifying glass," said Dr. Frederic Brandt, a cosmetic dermatologist based in Miami and New York.

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