Trending Workouts to Try in 2016

By Julio Cachila | Jan 16, 2016 | 10:14 AM EST

If you're one of those who made a New Year's resolution to get fit just like everybody, here's some help for you.

While resolutions to get fit are a great thing, it takes a lot of effort to actually shed off those unwanted pounds and get a toned body along with optimum health. For a start, why not try getting yourself into a fitness workout?

Here are some trending fitness workouts that you can do to achieve the fitness you've always wanted.

Functional Fitness

Using your own body weight to actively exercise yourself is a great thing and is a great alternative to strength training with weights at a gym, The Active Times said.

“The idea is to build strength and muscle by performing exercises that leverage the weight of, you guessed it, your own body as resistance.”

Exercise positions, such as the Inchworm and Bodyweight Squat will help you, without the extra cost.

High Intensity Interval Training

High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, gives the results of an hour or more at the gym for about 20-30 minutes, TAT said. This is the best approach for busy people who don't have the spare time to go the the gym.

HIIT involves alternating between periods of low- and high-intensity exercise. For example, one can sprint for 30 seconds, followed by a 60-second walk. This can be repeated for 5 cycles as part of the exercise.


This is a combination of bodyweight exercises, strength training and high-intensity interval training in one. According to TAT, CrossFit is HIIT in itself and is one of the fitness workouts that effectively burn calories, albeit at a higher risk of injury.

Hip Hop Dance Classes 

While other fitness approaches sound like its just plain exercise, Hip Hop dancing sounds really different.

TAT's Cary Carr stated “this street dance inspired aerobic routine can burn up to 500 calories per hour while improving your heart muscles and lung function and pumping up your energy.”

Get in the groove to bust calories by busting some moves.

Cardiovascular Exercises

A lack in cardiovascular exercises is dangerous. Good thing everyone can do it, even in the comfort of a – believe it or not – an office chair! Celebrity fitness trainer Donovan Green said that cardiovascular exercises can be done without the need for weight or gym equipments, and the need to stand up out of the chair.

Check out his suggested tips here.

Have fun getting fit!

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