Exercise & Sex: 5 Best Workouts For Men to Improve Their Sex Life

By Rachel Cruz | Jan 19, 2016 | 04:24 AM EST

As a physical activity, having sex requires the use of muscles. The more regular exercises a man does to keep his stamina healthy and his muscles toned, the better he will be able to enjoy sex.

Below are some workouts a man can do to improve his sex life:

1)  Weights

Weight lifting or resistance training helps with building the strength of the upper and lower body and also improves the body's stamina, according to Mind Body Green. Doing weights increases a man's testosterone levels, per Daily Burn. Once that happens, a man's sexual drive or libido increases as well, making him less tired but more game for sex.

2) Brisk Walking

As an aerobic activity, brisk walking can lower the risks of impotence, also known as erectile dysfunction, according to a study done by Harvard experts. A 30-minute walk can drop the risk at 41 percent and it can also prevent blood clot formation so that erections last longer. In fact, doing other aerobic activities -- like jogging and running -- bring the same results. Pick some days to do light aerobic workouts and other days to do the more vigorous ones.

3) Kegels

While the exercise is more commonly associated with women, kegel exercises, also known as pelvic floor exercises, can work on men too. Do this for five minutes at different intervals of the day regularly to strengthen the muscles of the bladder. It will result in better control of urination as well as improved erection and stronger orgasms, according to Web MD.

The video below shows how men can do kegel exercises:

4) Yoga

Regularly practicing yoga will make the body more flexible, thus allowing a man to enjoy various sexual positions with his partner. Mix it up with pelvic muscle exercises and stamina-building poses to boost the exercise routines. Among the best poses to master for sexual improvement include the Cobra, Downward-Facing Dog and Shoulder Stand, according to Prevention.

Watch the video below for a demonstration on Downward-Facing Dog:

5) Swimming

Swimmers develop a lot of endurance with the constant training and, while a man doesn't need to train as hard, doing this for 30 minutes at least three times a week can help make him last longer in bed. Take it a notch higher by swimming outdoors in cold water as it can also improve blood circulation, boost immunities, drive up the sex hormone and improve fertility, according to Simply Swim.

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