7 Immune System Boosting Food

By Ivan Menchavez | Jan 19, 2016 | 07:10 AM EST

There are many different types of foods that can be healthy for a human body. They come in all forms and each has its own benefits. There are foods that can fight cancer; there are also foods that will help someone with their diet program and those foods that can protect you from various illnesses.

Boosting your immune system is very important to avoid being sick that would hinder your daily routine. There are many ways to do that, but the best thing to strengthen your immune system is to make sure you eat the right food. This will help protect anyone from the most common illness that would occur anytime. Here are seven immune system boosting food.


As per Herbwisdom.com, this fruit is full of nutrients and antioxidants that will help boost the immune system. The antioxidant found in elderberry can lower cholesterol level and improve the health of your heart. It can also protect you from catching colds, cough or any other type of flu.

Acai Berry

According to Web MD, acai berry has plenty of anthocyanins. These nutrients will help anybody in any type of medical condition. These berries do not cost that much but will help anybody get protected.


There are a lot of benefits from eating oysters. They are known to be rich in zinc, which certainly boost the immune system. Its good dose of zinc is also the reason why it is known to be aphrodisiac, since it boosts the testosterone level of a human body.


It is not the prettiest looking vegetable out there but it is definitely good for the health. In a report by Daily Mail, Broccoli will act as an immune booster and, at the same time, immune fighter. It prevents illness and naturally detoxes the body.


The antioxidants found in watermelon are called glutathione. It helps fight infection and boost the immune system. This fruit is also good for any weight loss program.

Low-fat yogurt

Probiotics help ease the severity of flu, especially colds. It also has a good dose of Vitamin that protects the body from getting colds or flu.


Some experts call spinach as a "super food" because of the positive effects it gives to the body. The folate found in spinach can help repair damaged DNA and it also helps the body in making new cells.


The antioxidants found in teas are called polyphenols and flavonoids. They are disease-fighting antioxidants that will look for cells that can damage other cells and eliminate them.

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