How to Achieve Peak Life Performance in 2016; See Tips from Latino Dietitian Manuel Villacorta

By Stacey Leigh Gonzalez | Jan 21, 2016 | 05:37 AM EST

According to Latino dietitian Manuel Villacorta, athletes are not the only ones who need to perform at their best every day. Here are a few nutritional tips to help you reach and maintain your peak.

1.    Find the right fuel

Skipping meals or replacing foods with energy supplements won't cut it, says Villacorta. On Fox News, the dietitian says you need to fuel correctly to get your body to function properly.

Never skip breakfast. Starving yourself will only encourage you to eat more during lunch and will make you feel sleepy afterwards.

Instead, pace your meals every three to four hours. Eat a combination of proteins and carbohydrates for every meal to get the right amount of energy.

2.    Rediscover your kitchen

Be responsible for what you put into your body. The Eating Free weight loss program creator says you need to be more aware of what you are eating.

Avoid processed foods and limit your trips to the restaurant. Getting reacquainted with your kitchen and your local store will help you discover foods and flavors you like.

Start small, like mixing different fruits and vegetables into a smoothie or roasting vegetables.

3.    Stay active

The Food Doctor says you should strive to perform a physical activity for at least three times a week. Other than maintaining your weight, this can lessen your chances of developing chronic ailments such as heart disease and cancer while reducing your stress levels.

Look for an activity that you enjoy. ABC News reports indicate that forcing yourself to doing workouts you don't like will only prompt you to skip doing them.

Try different routines. Caveman Foods says variety will help you stay motivated and not lose interest in remaining physically active.

4.    Get enough sleep

According to The Food Doctor website, getting adequate sleep will provide you the energy you need to get through the day. Plus, getting quality sleep has also been found to enhance the immune system and reduce stress.

Strive to get at least eight hours of sleep or take a nap.

5.    Drink more water

Do you get dizzy or tired easily or do you get a lot of headaches? These are possible signs of your body not having enough water.

According to the food site, your body needs water to transport nutrients and remove waste properly. Drinking copious amounts of water reduces your chances of developing urinary tract infections and kidney stones among others.

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