Coco Austin Diet & Fitness Tips: New mom Shares Secret for Speedy Post-Baby Weight Loss

By Staff Reporter | Jan 21, 2016 | 06:33 AM EST

Just late last year, Coco Austin had her first pregnancy with her daughter Chanel Nicole with husband Ice-T. But, judging her social media posts recently, she was back in her old figure in no time.

She claims that she got her abs back just one week after giving birth. And while there are lots of people from the social media who poke fun over her claims, Ice-T said that Coco was really serious about eating well during her pregnancy, according to Inside Edition.

"She started eating a lot of fruit," said Ice-T. And, it also helps that she was in great shape before getting pregnant.

When it comes to her diet and exercise regimen, Coco said that she sprints on the treadmill for 25 minutes, three times a week, or she would take up boxing, Zumba, kickboxing, dance or body-sculpting classes for cardio. As much as possible, she makes it a point that she doesn't repeat the same routine every day in order to confuse her body, according to Celebrity Health and Fitness. 

She recommends combining weight training and cardio exercises in order to speed up weight loss. She said that by not skipping on one of them, you'll be able to burn more calories. After her 30-minute cardio exercise either on a treadmill or a stationary bike, she would also sprint as fast as she could for another 5 minutes, then rest for a minute before going at it again.

Whenever she goes to the gym for a run on the treadmill, she also wears sauna sweatsuit to help her sweat more by losing water weight. It makes her feel rejuvenated and detoxified. She also have specific exercises for different body areas.

For a tighter butt and thighs, she said that the key are lunges—and more lunges. She would even add 10-pound weights in each hand when she does lunges. For a flat tummy, she would do ab exercises 5 times a week that also include a 20-min cardio exercise. And, for tone legs, she recommends walking your dog outside while adding a 10-pound ankle weights.

And while she has no particular diet, Coco said that she exercises portion control when eating and tries to stay away from sweets. In the morning, Coco eats yogurt or oatmeal to go along with fish oil pills. In order to build muscles and lose weight, as well, Coco said that protein intake is very important.

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