7 Benefits of Eating Less Sugar Other Than Weight Loss

By Rachel Cruz | Jan 25, 2016 | 04:30 AM EST

Cutting down sugar in your diet can bring many beneficial results, apart from weight loss and tooth decay. Below are the rest of the healthy effects that can happen to your body when you eat less sugar:

1) Your brain becomes sharper.

It's not just teeth that decays due to sugar, but eating too much also affects brain power. A study published in the National Institutes of Health identified how much sugar affects and impairs the brain's cognitive function. With less sugar, proteins that help keep the brain responsiveness work better.

2) You are happier.

Science Daily reported the link of sugar to depression in a North Carolina research. Experts noted that those who drank about four servings of sweetened drinks on a daily basis are 30 percent likely to have depression than those who avoid sodas, fruit juices and iced tea. These drinks alter mood-regulating chemicals in the body, thus leading to depression symptoms. Without it, your body can function better.

3) Your skin will look better.

Another study published in the National Institutes of Health Dermato Endrocrinology showed that sugar dulls and wrinkles the skin, ultimately contributing to skin aging. Sugar mixes with proteins in the bloodstream and triggers glycation. This diminishes the production of collagen and elasticin, which are supposed to keep the skin firm, soft, smooth and elastic. Once you reduce sugar intake, you'll notice your skin starts clearing up.

4) You'll develop healthier liver.

Fatty liver is a common but alarming health problem among Americans and its risks are linked to sugary drinks too. Medscape cited a study that showed 17 percent of its adult respondents had fatty liver. They constantly consumed sugary drinks in their diet.

What are the risks of fatty liver? Watch this video to learn more:

5) You become more energetic.

While added sugar helps keep you awake and energized, there's a tendency to develop an unhealthy dependency for it. This explains why you crave for sugar or carb when you're feeling sluggish or sleepy as your resources are depleted. On the other hand, if you rely on your body's natural chemicals to pump up your system, you will remain energetic without eating sugar-laden food or drinks.

6) You'll lower your blood pressure.

It's not just salt that leads to high blood pressure as another National Institutes of Health study indicated that an excess in sugar consumption raises the blood pressure. With less sugar, you cut the risks of heart disease, stroke and other heart condition, or conditions that develop due to high blood.

7) You reduce your cancer risk.

Fox News reported on a new study that links breast cancer to hidden sugars like maltose, dextrose, fructose, sucrose, glucose and lactose in many products. The study recommended opting for healthier alternatives like agave nectar and honey to lessen the risks.

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