Sore Neck, Neck Pain or 'Text Neck'? Top 5 Best Stretches

By Rachel Cruz | Jan 26, 2016 | 04:30 AM EST

Developing "text neck", which is characterized by soreness and pain on the neck, is a growing problem among smartphone and gadget users today. However, neck problems are also common among sports people or those who keep an active lifestyle.

Experiencing this problem? Alleviate this with neck exercises. Below are five best stretches to try:

1) Seated Neck Release

Self recommended crossing your legs in a sitting position on the floor or a chair. Make sure that you are seated in a flat and even surface to get into a good balance. Stretch your right hand to the side, while place your left hand on your head as you guide and tilt this to the left. Put gentle pressure on your hand and hold the position for 30 seconds. Let your torso stabilize your position. Then slowly switch heads and hands and repeat the process.

2) Behind the Back Neck Stretch

PopSugar suggested doing this routine for the home or office. With your feet set apart, pull your arms to the backside and hold your left wrist with your right hand. Gently pull your left arm away from you as you lower your right ear to your shoulder. Hold the position for 30 seconds and switch. Repeat the process as necessary.

3) Static Back

Breaking Muscle cited that this exercise will align your head with your shoulders, hence releasing any muscle tension in the neck and upper back. On your back, lie down on the floor and then place your legs on a chair. Your knees and hips should be angled at 90 degrees. Your arms should also be on the floor but angled at 45 degrees to your shoulders. Put your palms up. Hold the position for five to 10 minutes until you feel your back settling to the floor.

4) Standard Neck Stretches

Livestrong recommended tipping your head left to right, up and down, and then rotating your head from side to side. Do the position slowly and tip or tilt as far as you can comfortably do it. Let each position hold for 30 seconds before switching. Do this at least three to four times and even as you're doing something else.

5) Neck Re-adjustment

Greatist suggested yoga stretches as the best form exercise for neck pains. However, if you're unable to do that at the moment, do this instead: stand against the wall to do a quick neck re-adjustment and vertebrae alignment. With your spine and head firmly pressed against the wall, raise your arm as you hold your phone on your face. Don't look down as you're checking messages or texting. Hold the position as long as possible.

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