5 Healthy Breakfast Foods Every Latino Should Eat in the Morning

By Monica Antonio | Jan 27, 2016 | 06:00 AM EST

Mornings can be hectic, especially when you're running late and is rushing to work. Sometimes, with all the frenzy, you tend to skip one of the most important meals of the day -- breakfast. According to Health, breakfast plays a vital role in fueling your body with energy to last the day as well as preventing you from overeating or overcompensating your food intake.

However, a piece of sandwich or a to-go run in a nearby fast food chain on your way to the office is not really doing any good to your health and waistline. To keep you in top shape and active throughout the day, here are five healthy breakfast food that every latino should eat in the morning.

1. Good Fats

According to Doctor Oz, a breakfast filled with healthy fats does not only fill your stomach but also gives you a brain boost. Healthy fats such as Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) can lower your cholesterol level. Also, Attune Foods recommends eating breakfast packed with Omega-3 fatty acids as it does not only improve your brain activity but also balances your mood and combats heart diesese, cho

Some of the ingredients that are filled with heart-healthy fats ae pecans and other nuts, avocado, smoked salmon or fish and flax. Dr. Oz suggests incorporating these ingredients in pancakes, smoothies, fritatats and the like.

2. Whole Grains

Not skipping up your daily dose of fiber is very important for the body, and as per Huffinton Post, the USDA recommends individuals to eat grain on a daily basis, half of those should be whole grains. Fiber helps in digestion, lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Also, for those who are watching their weight, whole grains like brown rice, dark bread, etc., does not gain extra pounds. Whole grains also cut and also lead to a flatter tummy as it redistributes the fat in your body.

3. Smoothies

For those always on the go, smoothies is a quick fix to have your daily nutritional needs while you are busy with your daily activities. Real Simple says that you can use a yogurt or low-fat milk as the base of your smoothie and just simply add in your choice of healthy ingredients for a handy, healthy drink.

4. Lean Proteins

As per Healthy Latin Eating, opting for lean proteins over carbohydrate-rich food will keep you alert all day. This is because lean proteins "help in the synthesis of neurotransmitters," which avoids us from crashing and feeling sluggish. Meanwhile, carbs do the opposite as they are with an amino acid that induces sleep called L-trytophan. This type of amino acid encourages the production of insulin from the pancreas, which will then leave the individual feeling sleepy after eating.

5. Yogurt

Instead of grabbing a serving of dairy, you may want to try yogurt first. According to Web MD, aside from the benefits you're getting from dairy like calcium, vitamins B-2 and B-12, magnesium and potassium, yogurt contains "good bacteria" or probiotics. These "good bacteria" helps in digestion and functioning of the immune system. Healthy Latin Eating also notes that yogurt also has lysine aminos that helps in anxiety and stress.

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