5 Reasons Why Sex is Good For Your Health

By Ivan Menchavez | Jan 27, 2016 | 06:13 AM EST

People have been told so many times that sex is good for the health. However, nobody has ever explained to them the specific benefits of it. What makes it good? How does it affect your mental and physical health?

According to a report by Everyday Health, healthy sex does not necessarily mean having a partner to achieve it, much like reaching orgasm. Sandra L. Caron, PhD, licensed sexuality educator and sex therapist, said that orgasm during sex is beneficial to a human body. So the next time you do it, make sure you do not stop until you go past the climatic stage.

Here are the five reasons why sex is good for one's health.

Sex is a good exercise for a healthy heart. The amount of energy spent during the deed is the same as 4 to 6 miles of hiking. According to several studies, orgasm can help lower the risk of heart disease, given it does not involve performance enhancing drugs.

Sex can boost the immune system. According to a team of researchers from Wilkes University in Pennsylvania, sexually active people have higher level of antibody compared to those who are not. Because of that, the immune system gets stronger and fights off any intruders such as germs and diseases.

Frequent sex will keep a person look younger. Sex is said to be a rhythmic form of exercise that helps promote skin renewal. Experts are also saying that people who engage in sex three times a week or more would look seven years younger than their actual age. The reason for that is because sex increases the level of oxygen being pumped in a human body, which will result to more nutrients being distributed to the skin.

Sex will help you get fit. It is a perfect way to lose those excess fats and calories from your body. A good one hour sex will already cut 100 to 250 calories. Experts are saying that frequents sex and busting yourself at the gym will provide better result. Sex is not bad to include in your fitness program. It will help you get in shape and, at the same time, gives you a healthy sex life.

Better sleep and better mood. Sex provides positivity in life. "There's a lot to be said simply for the mood-boosting effect of having a nice connection with somebody that you trust and care about," said Dr. Caron.

Experts said that there are neurotransmitters being released during sex that can be considered as mood-enhancers. So the next time you start your day with negative energies, you already know what to do.

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