Weight Loss Tips: Untidy Kitchen Causes Munchies

By Ivan Menchavez | Feb 15, 2016 | 05:35 AM EST

If you are someone who eats any kind of food every 30 minutes, you may want to take a look at your kitchen and check if you have cleaned it up. According to a new study, it appears that dirty kitchen has anything to do with your desire to eat restlessly, according to a report by Fox News.

The experiment involves 100 college students to test if untidiness will influence a person's food preferences and calorie consumption. The researchers are trying to find a good reason that links between taste preference and personality. The researchers also found a good way to test how a mindset of a person affects the food that he or she eats.

College people are known to be the busiest. If they are not doing school stuff, they should be out partying. What the people behind the experiment did was lure them with a chance to win an MP3 player and promised to provide course credit. Fortunately, they were able to get a good number of students to participate.

The women were split during the experiment. Half of them were sent to dirty kitchens while the rest were sent to a more organized and clean kitchens.

All of them were given assignments to do while they stay in the kitchen. There were all sorts of things in the kitchen including cookies. While they were doing their assignments, it appears that the students who were staying in dirty kitchens, ate more cookies compared to those who stayed in the much cleaner kitchen area, Reuters reported.

According to Lindsey Smith Taillie, who is a nutrition researcher at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, "eating healthy can be hard, and understanding the environmental factors like kitchen clutter than influence our eating can help individuals structure their homes in a way to make the healthier food choice the easier choice."

"Maintaining a calm, clutter-free kitchen environment can help keep us from overeating sugary snacks," added Smith Taillie, who was not involved in the study but has years of experience when it comes to human food behavior. "When that's not possible, thinking about times of personal control can also help prevent overeating."

According to the study lead author Brian Wansink, it is only natural that people are having a hard time resisting food.

"It's easier to spend five minutes cleaning up your kitchen than 24 hours trying to resist snacks," said Wansink, who is also the director of the Cornell Food and Brand Lab and author of "Slim by Design."

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