Another evidence of life on Mars? Photo shows a woman in dress carved on rocks

By Paul Te | Nov 09, 2016 | 06:28 AM EST

Alien fanatics are swarming over the image of a woman on mars. An image of a woman revealed in one of the rock photos captured by the curiosity rover on Mars. Many speculations raised up whether the image is legitimate or was just a mere fabrication of a wear and tear of the rocks or a mental and physical illusion that made it a figure.

Recently, Curiosity rover has captured another figure and said to be the "evidence of life in Mars" for some alien and UFO enthusiasts. A sculpture on the rock that resembles human like figure dressed in a woman's clothing.

According to a UFO research blogger and operator of the UFO Sightings Daily, Scott C. Waring reported in The Sunday Express that the image is seemingly etched into to the surface of the rocks. "I found a figure carved in the ground or a roof structure. Very crude, but I believe it is because of erosion or a possibility of war that may have caused Mars this way."

Warring also added that he has just found an image that resembles a human being amidst of all the carvings of figure that he has. A woman was wearing a 1700's dress is what he saw in the figure.

As Warring's research and investigation go deeper, the figure found in the rocks even more becomes clear. On his blog, "the woman stands out wearing a purple dress and blue shoes and apparently has a blonde hair." Likewise, he also added that as he examines more, the figure turns out very odd that the woman has a vertical breast unlike women on earth which is horizontal.

Warring also believes that there are civilizations that may have flourished in Mars that were wiped out by an event and these figures are just some of the evidences of their existence.

However, NASA again dismissed all these findings of the figure are real. The agency claimed that it is just a product of another confirmation biases as all other seemingly familiar figures in the Martian soil.

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