Gilmore Girls star Melissa McCarthy shows off her weight loss diet plan

By Qudsia Ibrahim | Nov 10, 2016 | 19:22 PM EST

Melissa McCarthy touched the heights of performance after starring as Sookie in Gilmore Girls. Her achievement lined up recently when Forbes nominated her as the second highest-paid actress in the world for 2016 because of her $33 million total earnings this year.

 Gwynnie Bee, a plus-size clothing retailer, did a poll and named Melissa as "the most body positive celebrity." She will be playing again the role of Sookie St. James in the coming series Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life.

While posing with Hilary Clinton on Instagram she displayed her new smart looks and urged the fans to vote for Hilary Clinton.

How Melissa McCarthy Maintained Weight Loss?

According to Foods 4 Better Health Melissa McCarthy was determined to lose weight and set an example for her daughters, Georgette Falcone and Vivian Falcone. She has successfully managed to lose 75 lbs through healthy tactics only.

After gaining 236 pounds, the actress got serious to shed off some pounds for the sake of her health. So, she hired a personal trainer. The actress relies on high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Her workout comprises of rope skipping, burpees, martial arts, rowing, and full body resistance.

Rather than focusing on some parts of her body, she goes for a full body workout and does a mix of resistance training exercises like machine chest presses, dumbbell squats, crunches barbell deadlifts and dumbbell walking lunges.

 Certainly, the weight loss journey has its positive outcomes. Melissa tells that she sleeps now at 7.30 pm and definitely avoids chomping on midnight snacks.

Though Melissa has changed her old eating habits with healthy food intake but the bigger credit to her weight loos goes to her hard workout.

What is the Diet Plan of Melissa McCarthy?

Everyone is surprised to see Melissa McCarthy with a smarter waist line and glowing beauty. Her best shape owes to her diet and workout. She revealed taking a weight loss supplement called Garcinia Cambogia G3000.

McCarthy focuses on blending high-protein and low-carb diet. Ketogenic, Paleo, Zone and Atkins are her preferred diet options.

Here is her a day's diet plan:

Breakfast: Just prior to breakfast she has a glass of smoothie of chia seeds, spinach, kale and apple. The breakfast includes 4 scrambled egg whites, almond milk and grilled chicken.

Lunch:  Blend of quinoa, red peppers, diced carrots and celery, grilled chicken and a cup of green tea.

Dinner: Veggies, fruits and lots of protein. It also has beef of ethically grown cattle with avocados and steamed veggies.

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