'The Witcher' Enhanced Edition Free On GOG For Gwent Beta Player

By Aboki Basira | Dec 26, 2016 | 04:30 AM EST

"The Witcher: Enhanced Edition" is now available for free on GOG for those who have played the "Gwent: The Witcher Card Game" beta. The beta is still open and interested players can still sign up for it on GOG website.

CD Projekt Red, Witcher developer is preparing for the release of "Gwent: the Witcher Card Game" - the popular pastime featured in The Witcher series. The Game is a standalone version of the card game featured in "The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt". It is also similar to Hearthstone in the way it is played.

Although there is not yet an official release date for the game, it is currently in its beta phase and players can sign up for it by visiting GOG website. The beta allows players to get a taste of the game early and the developer has given players an added incentive for checking it out.

CD Projekt Red has announced that fans who participated in the Gwent beta will be able to download "The Witcher: Enhanced Edition" on GOG absolutely free.

This first version of game the in the series offers several enhancements over the original version, such as improved dialogue and cut-scenes, a streamlined inventory system, and many more.

As for "Gwent: The Witcher Card Game", it offers players a  clash with friends in fast paced duels that combine on-the-fly decision making, bluffing and careful deck construction.

It offers a three-row battle formation as a player unleashes his hand over a best-of-three series of rounds. With heroes, spells and special abilities that dramatically turn the tide of battle, deception and clever tricks will be necessary parts of a player's arsenal,

CD Projekt RED has previously said that "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt" will serve as the final entry in the series, as the developer is moving on to other things following the last game's release, according to Attack of the fanboy.

The developers are working hard on the project Gwent and their next big undertaking is going to be the sci-fi epic "Cyberpunk 2077". Although the release of the game is still way ahead, the developer has noted that it will be bigger than their previous creations.

Players that participated in the beta received a free copy of "The Witcher: Enhanced Edition" on their GOG account after playing the beta, according to Gamezone.

 Players who are interested in getting a free copy or just a chance to play the beta should sign up and register for the Gwent beta on GOG website.

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