Cancer Treatments Can Cause Collateral Damage in Kids

By Staff Reporter | Dec 27, 2016 | 11:58 AM EST

Cancer in itself might be the most dreaded disease of them all, but the adverse situations get dragged in with the treatments. The chemotherapy does not only physically and mentally take a toll on the people, who might opt for it, but it causes a long term, collateral, damage on kids. Every kid who will be exposed to cancer treatment like chemotherapy might be affected by apoptosis.

According to The Washington Post, apoptosis is a condition in might the cells get molecular signals to self destruct them. This might destroy the cancerous cells in one's body, but there is also something which allows the new, developing cells to get immune to the condition. Our body is made to get immune to any condition that might cause damage and thereby help in the process of healing. Now, apoptosis might get opposed because the newer cells will fight any molecular signal sent to them.

The worst part of these cancer treatments might be that every kid's brain, tissue, cells and heart might get affected. Now every newborn is obviously most vulnerable to such highly functioned treatments which might require the body to have developed, prior to such treatments. A cancer cell, in which the signal of apoptosis should play a dominant role, should be "highly primed" or at least ready to start the process of self-destruction. For the body to produce such a highly primed cell it should be below the age of four to six years, reported Economic Times.

All in all, any cancer treatment of such gravity causes the newborn or a child to suffer a lot worse than any grown person's body. Thus, a second recommendation is always the best way to go about the treatment, for a body to get accustomed to cell destruction might come heavy at teh later half of the life span of the child.

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