Can broken hearts can kill? emerging question from Debbie Reynolds' death

By Staff Writer | Dec 29, 2016 | 14:14 PM EST

Debbie Reynolds (84) of 'Singing in the Rain' fame died on 28th December 2016. She had just suffered through her daughter, Carrie Fisher's death. Reynolds' son , Todd Fisher reportedly said that Carries death had gravely affected her.  Reynolds was in her son's home when she had a stroke and was rushed to the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center where she died later that afternoon. The nature of the megastar's death raises an important question, "Can broken hearts kill?"

Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy or simply the 'Broken Heart Syndrome' is a highly possible explanation of Reynolds' death.  M.Zamir in the book 'The Physics of Coronary Blood Flow' writes that the broken heart syndrome is a sudden temporary weakening of the muscular portion of the heart. It is triggered usually by shock, in this case, the death of a loved one. Reynolds' suffered a temporary weakening of the heart muscles owing to the death of her daughter 5 days ago. There is enough evidence to support the answer that broken hearts can indeed kill.

But according to a paper titled 'Takotsubo (Stress) Cardiomyopathy' (Scott W. Sharkey, MD; John R. Lesser, MD; Barry J. Maron, MD) published on the journal 'Cardiology Patient Page', the broken heart syndrome can be caused by any emotionally or physically stressful event.  The same also states that women above the age of 50 are more susceptible to the ailment. Hence Debbie Reynolds' death can be attributed to the 'Broken Heart Syndrome.

                The paper also states that there is no long deterioration after a stroke and that the heart continues normal functioning thereon. And once one suffers a stroke of the syndrome, the stroke doesn't occur again in the future.

                The answer to the question has to be now modified according to the facts - Emotionally or physically stressed hearts can kill. The best way to avoid dying the way Debbie Reynolds' did is to stay away from emotional and physical stress and to live a relaxed life.

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