6 Drones That Do Good For People And The Planet[VIDEO]

By Satish | Jan 03, 2017 | 12:53 PM EST

From manned mission to unmanned mission, human technology has come a long way with great innovations over the past decades. Drones, also called Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), is playing a major role in defense, agriculture, combatting terrorism, surveillance, internet services, policing animals and etc. Read on the 6 ways drones are helping for the betterment of our lives.

Delivery Drones

As we all are aware that Amazon has completed a maiden commercial delivery in the UK last November. The drone flew for 30 minutes and a video captured is published on YouTube from start to end point. Delighted by the success, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos tweeted to his fans about the long awaited drone-delivery.

Fighting drought and cloud-seeding drones:

Cloud-Seeing is one the proven way to induce rainfall in parched regions on the earth. Although, it is can deliver fruitful results, but quite expensive. As reported by Engadget, with the advent of drones the program is very economical and many people are trying it. Recently, an experiment has been carried out by drone to sprinkle silver iodide into the clouds.

Protecting animals with poacher-defense drones

Wild species are endangered in Africa rapidly in the last decade. But, the trend has gone down thanks to the surveillance through drones to monitor poacher movements. Drones cover vast lands which humans can't monitor, especially in night modes when a poacher sneak inside the wildlife. In Zimbabwe, animal conservatives largely depend on the drone to track animal movements in remote places.

Delivery emergency medicines with ambulance drones:

In 2013, a Japanese toy maker Hirobo unveiled its first RC Helicopter to deliver medicines, collect samples, transport donor organs or deliver blood to hospitals. All these can be achieved at relative ease which regular ambulance can't penetrate faster in time in remote places. Although, at the exorbitant cost of $80,000 a piece pinches, but, with new innovations it can be slashed. As per inhabitant, the ambulance drone is equipped with first aid kit can reach the accident site quickly and doesn't need to worry about traffic woes in the cities.

Connecting the world with internet-beaming drones:

Facebook dreamt of an internet-beaming drone or balloon, which can give free or paid access to internet deprived regions. However, a social media company, Aquila first flew its solar-powered drone over Arizona in last June for a record 96 minutes before landing safely and shocking the world. So, the internet-beaming drones are a reality in the near future.

Drone airport for emergency supplies in Africa:

In 2016, an architecture giant Foster & Partners have unveiled a Droneport to deliver emergency supplies in various parts of Africa that help the locals to consume civil supplies. The project is expected to be ready by 2020.


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