Global Warming Could Disrupt Atlantic Ocean Current In A Destructive Way

By Shafqat Mushtaq | Jan 05, 2017 | 21:38 PM EST

A catastrophic situation which could be the worst nightmare human history can record has just begun waking up from the obscure zone, making its way in real and certain expressions into the world. There is always a limit to the ignorance; we as people of this planet tried hard to deny climate change and its deadly consequences. And we are right now caught in a situation where climate change in total opposite to our denial is now imposing itself on us at the individual level and on the planet at large. Worst of all, we are left with the narrow window and can't do really much, because the situation is that worse.

A report in Science News highlights the awaiting doomsday like situation becoming more and more possible due to the uninterrupted increase in the carbon dioxide emission into the delicately balanced atmosphere. Due to this unhygienic treatment towards the atmosphere, climate Scientists fears the complete disruption of Atlantic Ocean Current.

It means the warm water from oceans can no longer be supplied towards the North of Atlantic and hence disturbing the rainfall pattern across the globe. The report significantly discards the conclusions from previous studies which had predicted stable and uninterrupted Atlantic circulation even in drastic climatic changes.

In the Atlantic Ocean, warm water is circulated towards its North from the South and this circulation or current turns back along the same track near Greenland, and along the motion, it sinks cold water and reaches back South of Atlantic. It maintains the warmth of northwestern Europe and forces precipitation beyond the hot Atlantic. As the global temperature increases, the Atlantic Ocean Current becomes unstable.

The Guardian report on undesired change in global climate pertaining to the carbon pollution declares that 1.5 - 3°C rise in global temperature is certain, and there is every chance that it may go beyond that as well.

Due to global warming the water in Northern Atlantic is becoming less dense and so fail to sink easily. This abnormality in temperature slows down the Ocean Current and Scientists fear it may disrupt in the worst manner which could be the worst nightmare ever.

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