Effect Of Urbanziation Detected In Evolution

By Staff Writer | Jan 09, 2017 | 11:43 AM EST

Evolution is a continuous process of adaptation over the generations. It was a fundamental change occurring due to the interplay of the forces of nature alone. But as it turns out, evolution is not all nature anymore. Human influence over the ecosystem has grown to an extent that human habits have started leaving its marks on the evolutionary process.

According to a news article on BBC, the seeds of Crepis Sancta or the 'hawksbeard' plant have larger urban variants as compared to their rural counterparts. This extra weight helps the seeds to fall closer to the tree where there is a higher chance of finding fertile soil. In a city environment, lighter seeds would just be blown by the wind onto a concrete or infertile surface. So the larger size grants these seeds extra weight which enables them to fall on fertile soil near the plant.

The effect of urbanization on natural ecosystems and their evolution is now starting to become evident. More and more species are getting affected by the overly increasing human population. A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences indicates that species living near urban areas experience greater phenotypic change. That is, urbanization is affecting the natural rate of evolution.

The study also concluded that different species will have a different reaction to urbanization. Some will die off and others will relocate or adapt to their new environment. It is also said that urbanization will not only affect evolution on a local scale but also on a planetary scale. The authors of the study have also urged conservation biologists to focus on the mechanisms through which the emergent human population affects the survival of the species.

Evolution is a natural phenomenon. And it should stay that way. Human interference in evolution has only proved to be a threat to nature. And urbanization being the root of modern human civilization, the problem we face now is more severe and more difficult than we imagine.The evolutionary process is delicately balanced. A slight shove in the wrong direction can send the system spiraling out of control.

In the face of these circumstances, it is the responsibility of every urban locality to evaluate the harm to the environment caused by it and take appropriate steps to repair and prevent the damage.

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