FDA Warns Of Skin Cancer Cream That Might Kill Pets, 5 Deaths Reported

By Staff Reporter | Jan 23, 2017 | 05:35 AM EST

FDA or the Food and Drug Administration have warned the pet owners of deaths caused by the skin cancer creams.  It has even mentioned that dogs, cats and other animals exposed to harmful skin cancer creams might die. As per reports, the cream containing an active ingredient called fluorouracil or 5-FU might be harmful to the animals.

According to CNN, there has been reported deaths of about five dogs due to the skin cancer cream. It is believed that the main result of death has been due to consuming the cream containing fluorouracil. In one of the cases a dog accidentally punctured the tube and within two hours the dog started vomiting. The pet also experienced seizure and succumbed to death after 12 hours.

Another incident was also reported where a dog consumed a tube of the cream. Even though the owner immediately took the dog to a vet, the condition worsened and the doctor had to euthanize the pet. That's really sad! Now, fluorouracil, which has been considered as an essential medicine by WHO and has been manufactured by Roche. The company, however, wasn't available to comment on the situation.

As per CBS News, FDA has asked pet owners to store the medicine in a closed shelf, especially away from pet's reach. Owners are also advised to wash off hands and clothes used to apply the cream before touching objects, furniture or pet. If the owner is using the medicine containing fluorouracil and the pet gets exposed to it, FDA has asked owners to take the pet to veterinarian immediately.

Interestingly, till now, the FDA didn't receive any reports involving fluorouracil and cats. But the organization believes that cats too are sensitive to the cream. In fact, if an owner applies the cream and touches the cat which accidently the cat ingest while licking itself, it might also affect the cat. Due to this reason, the FDA has listed several precautions for using the cream especially for pet owners.

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