Impulsive Personality Linked To Weight Gain

By Mia Andrea | Jan 28, 2017 | 01:15 AM EST

There are several factors that trigger weight gain. A research suggests that one of the factors being looked upon is the impulsiveness on the individual.

A group of researchers from Center for Brain Health at the University of Texas at Dallas did a research on the correlation of impulsiveness and weight gain. According to Psych Central, the team was able to see the link of the brain's impulsivity and the increasing BMI of the individual.

"Our research points to impulsive personality as a risk factor for weight gain," said Dr. Francesca Filbey, principal investigator, and associate professor in the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences and the Center for Brain Health. "Thus, addressing impulsive personality traits is essential to developing effective weight management programs that can help the 70 percent of Americans who are overweight or obese."

A group of 45 participants ages 22 to 43 is said to have a Body Mass Index of 30.7. It was then analyzed by the researchers using different metrics to gauge the influence the impulsiveness of an individual and weight gain. They were also asked a series of questions in regards to how often they would change their minds.

The research team also based their findings on the MRI scans for them to examine the brain activity and the connectivity basing on the impulse control task where participants would have to push buttons depending on their reactions.  There were then a set of rules as they move forward with the study.

The study came into conclusion that those who have higher BMI's to exhibit altered neutral function compared to their peers. They then mentioned that self-awareness can be of great help to the person's impulsive behavior.A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology also pointed out that people with Type A personality are at risk of weight gain.

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