STMicroelectronics Likely Developing Facial Recognition Sensor For iPhone 8

By partha das | Jan 31, 2017 | 11:34 AM EST

Apple fans are eagerly waiting for much-awaited release of iPhone 8. This year may witness the launch of probably three iPhones. It is a clear fact that the tech giant is desperate to enhance Apple revenues.

According to Reuters, STMicroelectronics, Europe's third largest semiconductor company, has made a deal with an unnamed company. The deal is inked to boost the revenue of that company. Analysts assume that the unnamed company must be Apple and the product must be iPhone 8.

It is reported that the unnamed company wants to boost it's earning in the second half of the year. Surprisingly, the next generation Apple iPhone 8 is expected to launch in the second half of 2017. The Franco-Italian chipmaker STMicroelectronics reveals some information regarding this deal just a few days ago.

The company has a strong base on phone and car part sales with solid factory utilization. The company even has a plan to increase the plant capacity to enhance the graph of revenue later in 2017. Analysts expected that the company may supply important parts for iPhone 8 and inside components for iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus.

BGR reports that Apple has already placed a unique proximity sensor on the front side of the iPhone. This sensor is called ToF or time-of-flight sensor. It is very helpful for the selfie camera, and it is also a clear fact that users will see this feature in the upcoming iPhone 8.

The best part of this sensor is it can measure the time of travel of the photons that are emitted from a laser diode. That means the sensor no more depends on the reflected light level. With this sensor, the iPhone 8 may create a new dimension in the arena of technology.

Sources have also unveiled one important report that Apple may try to have a new facial recognition system. It is obvious that this new system must be incorporated into the iPhone 8. One thing is clear from different reports that Apple is preparing for a big surprise with the new iPhone.  

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