Study Finds That Modern Parenting May Hinder Brain And Emotional Development In Children

By Aboki Basira | Feb 17, 2017 | 15:54 PM EST

 An interdisciplinary body of research recently presented the findings of its study during a symposium at the University of Notre Dame. The findings suggest that social practices and cultural beliefs of the contemporary world are preventing healthy brain and emotional development in children.

The new study links some early, nurturing parenting practices - one similar to that of hunter-gatherer societies - to healthy emotional outcomes in adulthood. The findings have left many experts rethinking some of our modern, cultural child-rearing norms. "Life outcomes for American youth are worsening, especially in comparison to 50 years ago," Notre Dame professor of psychology who specializes in moral development in children, Darcia Narvaez says.

She also focuses on how early life experiences can influence a child's brain development. Narvaez continued to say that ill-advised practices and beliefs have become very rampant in human culture, including the isolation of babies in their own rooms, the use of infant formula or the belief that responding too quickly to a fussing child will spoil the child.

The researchers believe that adequate responsiveness to crying babies, breastfeeding infants, almost constant touch and having multiple adult caregivers are some of the nurturing ancestral parenting practices that have been proved to have a positive influence on the developing brain of a child. According to Science Daily, this not only shapes the child's personality, it helps in improving physical health and also moral development.

The findings of the study reveal that responding to a baby's needs regularly influences the development of conscience. The researchers also suggest that positive touch affects stress reactivity and impulse control and empathy. In addition, they found that free play in nature helps to improve social capacities and aggression.

They confirmed that a set of supportive caregivers - not only parents - predicts a child's IQ and ego resilience along with empathy, The Minds Journal reports. Narvaez reveals that the United States has been on a downward trajectory on all of these care characteristics.

Babies spend more time in carriers, car seats and strollers rather than being held, compared to the way they did in the past. The researchers explain that by 12 months, only around 15 percent of mothers are breastfeeding at all as extended families are broken up and free play allowed by parents has decreased dramatically since 1970.

However, they also believe that other relatives and teachers can have a significant beneficial influence, most especially if the child feels safe with them. But the researchers note that early deficits can be made up later.

The right brain that governs most of the human self-regulation, creativity and empathy grow throughout a person's lifetime. This means parents can take up a creative activity with a child at any point and they can grow together.

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