Genome-wide Association Study Revealed 18 Genes Linked With Autism

By Marnelle Joyce | Mar 08, 2017 | 20:35 PM EST

Researchers at Autism Speaks discovered an average of 73 unique mutations in autistic people. A latest genetic examination of people with autism and their relatives revealed 18 genes linked to the disorder.

According to NBC News, researchers discovered that some of the mutations may result from medication. But the latest study provides new proof that autism is a mental disorder caused by genetics. It also adds that autistic patients have their own pattern of DNA modifications.

"It's noteworthy that we're still finding new autism genes, let alone 18 of them, after a decade of intense focus." Mathew Pletcher, vice president for genomic discovery at Autism Speaks said.

The research was handled by Dr. Stephen Scherer of Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children and colleagues. They conducted a genome-wide association study, which is an intensive evaluation of the entire DNA in human cells, and how it's differed from one person to another.

The study involved the DNA of 2,600 children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders. The team recognized 18 genes, which were not previously associated with autism. But these are all participating in brain cell connections. As per the researchers, there are numerous distinctive mutations affecting the genes.

Moreover, there are genetic alterations that don't affect genes and these are located in extensions of DNA once called junk DNA. This affects the stimulation of genes. "In fact, the genetic predisposition toward autism spectrum disorder may be different for almost every individual," the team wrote.

The team also discovered in a 2015 study that even siblings with autism possess different genetic mutations from one another. However, the new study which was presented in the journal Nature Neuroscience involved a large number of patients.

Autism spectrum disorder can range from mild public tension comprising Asperger’s syndrome to extreme mental retardation, exhausting recurrent behaviors and an inadequacy to communicate. According to Evo News, about 2% of the children in the United States were diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. This was based on the survey of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

As for now, genetic mutations are the major cause of autism as most of the studies displayed. Women, who suffered from infection during pregnancy, can also be the cause of autism.

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