Reward yourself with these 'Beautiful Skin Tips:' Know the Best Way to Do it even with Your Busy Schedule!

By Desy Serona | Mar 10, 2017 | 06:36 AM EST

Beautiful skin is what everybody desired and hoped for, but this desire is no more dream but reality. Hence, we've rounded up expert tips to achieve and own flawless complexion. All you need are these helpful tips that you can do even with your busy schedule.

Drink Water: Having enough fluid in your body can help you achieve beautiful skin. Water can help you to keep from being dehydrated and helps you to easily flush out all toxins.

You are what you eat: Your choice of food has a great effect in promoting beautiful skin. Research suggests, carrots and tomatoes that are rich in lycopene are good antioxidants could be a good way for you to achieve radiant skin.

Lotion Up: With the kind of weather we have it is really important to give your beautiful skin the best defense against dryness. Women's Health Mag suggested, it is better to use a lotion with a formula that can give you protection against UVA rays, which is the reason behind premature aging and UVB rays, which is the main cause of skin cancer.

Take off the makeup: To maintain beautiful skin it is important to remove your makeup at night before hitting the sheets. Using olive oil and cotton pad could soothe and let your skin breathe overnight. Doing this may prevent your skin from having blemishes and blackheads.

Sanitize your smartphones: In a study made at Stanford University, an iPhone that is often used get more germ-infested than a toilet in a public toilet. Hence, it is important to have antibacterial wipes to sanitize your phones and keep your beautiful skin from breakouts.

Get enough sleep: Being workaholic doesn't mean you have to sacrifice your sleep. Not having enough sleep can cause stress that will lead to a dull complexion. On the other hand, enough zzz's helps your beautiful skin to regenerate and recover from your day-to-day activities.

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