How To Treat Eczema At Home? An Effective Home Remedy

By Arunima Basu | Mar 13, 2017 | 06:39 AM EDT

Eczema occurs to at least one child among five and is technically incurable. Parents can opt for methods to keep their children in better health, though. Doctors opine that kids who get eczema early in their lives usually grow out of it by the time they reach their teens.

This is good news for parents because dry, itchy skin can affect the child's confidence and sleep. As the skin turns, dry and scaly parents need to apply copious amounts of creams and ointments to keep the skin soft and hydrated. Otherwise, the skin will crack due to dryness and bleed or even ooze fluid. Eczema weakens the skin's barrier against germs and infections, revealed WebMd.

Why and how eczema occurs is unknown, but it is mostly considered genetic. The dry and itchiness flare up when it comes in contact with allergic substances like chemicals, shampoos, detergents and fabric softeners. The situation is even more critical in case of babies because it affects their sleep. Preventing the child's skin from getting dried is the only way of keeping eczema at bay. Creams, lotions and mild steroid ointments are often used to control the condition. These have to be applied even if there is no irritation or drying as a preventive measure. In the case of severe eczema, steroid creams may have to be used depending on the severity of the condition. The steroid creams should not be used more than twice a day. Mothers should use a lot of creams and ointments to keep the skin moist for the rest of the day, reported Baby Centre.

The eczema flare-up sometimes because of dietary conditions. For instance, children may be allegoric to milk products and should not consume them. Soy products are also strictly restricted for such children since they may aggravate the conditions. Keeping the house cleans and allergen-free can help in keeping eczema at bay. Also, cotton clothing should be worn by the children since synthetic ones can aggravate the condition. Since children tend to scratch the patchy skin when it itches, keeping their nails short is the best method of preventing unnecessary bleeding and scratching.

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