‘Egyptian Woman’ Dubbed As ‘World's Heaviest’ Trims 100-kgs After Weight Loss Surgery

By Desy Serona | Mar 13, 2017 | 08:28 AM EDT

Egyptian woman dubbed as the world's heaviest, Eman Ahmed Abd El-Aty, reduced 100-kgs or 220 pounds after a successful bariatric surgery conducted in Mumbai, India. The former world's heaviest woman weighed 500-kgs and had stayed inside her house in Egypt for more than two decades.

The 37-year old Egyptian woman arrived in Mumbai, India in early February and has to undergo a special treatment and a surgery covering 25 days. Since then and after the operation last Tuesday, March 7, her weight was trimmed down to 400 kgs. A statement from the doctors was released after the day of surgery, saying that the heaviest woman successfully underwent Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy. They also said that she is now on oral fluids and her body is accepting them well.

The Egyptian woman nabbed the title as the World's Heaviest Woman in the Guinness Book of World Records in July last year. Previously, it was owned by the American Pauline Potter with a weight of just 293 kilos, less than half of Eman's.

The lady's journey to Mumbai, India did not come on a silver platter as Eman has to face series of rejections in her application for an Indian visa. But her tweet directed to the India's prime minister gave her a granted passage to enter the country.

The world's heaviest woman, who is originally from Alexandria, Egypt, arrived in Mumbai last February 11 for the treatment and has to be lifted by a crane and flew in a cargo plane to India. Upon arriving, Eman was put on a special liquid and a strict 1 200-calorie high fiber and protein diet to qualify for the surgery, a procedure that will shrink the stomach and is very common in India.

According to her family, the Egyptian woman Eman was diagnosed with elephantiasis in her early age, which caused her body to swell and made her almost immobile. With her weight ten times than the normal, she suffered a stroke and other serious ailments including diabetes and hypertension.

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