Scientists Revealed Why Pandas Are Black And White

By Marnelle Joyce | Mar 13, 2017 | 08:36 AM EDT

The black-and-white shades of giant pandas long puzzled scientists and the adored bears' fans. But now, researchers discovered why these animals have that uniquely dual colors.

The pandas' white fur supports them from enemies since they can hide in a snow. On the other hand, the black pigments both help in camouflage and communication efforts. This study was recently published online, Tuesday, Feb. 28 in the journal Behavioral Ecology.

Understanding why the giant panda possessed an intriguing coloration was a long-standing question in biology. This is hard to deal because more or less, there's no other mammal having this appearance. Therefore, the analysis became difficult, Tim Caro, the study’s lead author said. “The breakthrough in the study was treating each part of the body as an independent area,” he added.

According to Live Science, pandas have black shoulders and legs to hide in dim surroundings. However, they possess black ears to serve as an alert attack to predators. The dark spots encircling their eyes also help them identify other pandas, the study explained.

It's likely that the pandas' pigments are a consequence of their limited diet. These lovely mammals are known for almost eating bamboo only. Unfortunately, they don't have to gut bacteria to digest properly the rigid plant, a 2015 study in the journal mBio discovered. Nevertheless, pandas seemingly have gut bacteria as suggested by their carnivorous bear predecessors.

Moreover, the group of scientists from the University of California at Davis and California State University at Long Beach revealed their findings. Pandas adjust differently compared to other mammals because of their bamboo diet, which doesn’t permit them to deposit sufficient fat for hibernation.

Consequently, pandas must remain active all year round and travel long distances, from snowy mountains to tropical forests to seek further bamboos. As per the University, Long Beach, Hundreds of hours were spent in finding an answer on what appears as the easiest question: Why is the panda black and white?

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