Health News: Obesity Soars High In Several Developing Countries Claims Study

By dipta bhattacharya | Mar 15, 2017 | 12:44 PM EDT

A recent study has claimed that there are twice as obese people in poor or developing countries than in rich countries. In fact, the sugar and fat consumption in the developing countries across the globe is extremely high.

The extent of the world's obesity has been thrown into a shocking situation. The Overseas Development Institute (ODI) mentioned that there are about 900 million obese and overweight people in developing countries compared to the rich countries The Guardian reported.

An analysis of public data on what the world eats, Future Diets claimed there are twice as many obese people in developing countries than in rich countries. Interestingly, in 2008 the obesity figure was around 908 million in the poor countries. This is where the world's majority of the population lives, compared to the 557 million in the rich countries.

"The growing rates of overweight and obesity in developing countries are alarming. On current trends, globally, we will see a huge increase in the number of people suffering certain types of cancer, diabetes, strokes and heart attacks, putting an enormous burden on public healthcare systems," said the report's author and ODI researcher Steve Wiggins.

The reports have also warned that the government isn't doing much to tackle the growing obesity problem in these countries. As per NBC News, the obesity rate since 1980s has doubled in Mexico and China. It has also risen by a third in South Africa that has a higher rate than the UK. Along with this, Latin America, north Africa, and the Middle East have a growing number of obese people like that in Europe.

The report claimed to be well established that obesity along with fatty food has been giving rise to non-communicable diseases. These diseases include heart attack, diabetes, stroke, and cancer. The only thing that has changed at the present in that the number of obese people has increased in developing countries than developed countries.

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