Bacterial Blood Infections In Children Decline After Receiving Vaccines

By CEM | Mar 21, 2017 | 06:22 AM EDT

In the United States, the issue of vaccination is still one of the most controversial topics nowadays. Almost all people, even medical practitioners, express their diverging views whether to administer vaccines to children or not. At the moment, many parents believe that their kids are receiving too many vaccines with potentially dangerous additives too fast. Eventually, they started to get anxious about giving vaccines to their kids. What's more, the number of children who are vaccinated began to decline. While Measles and other diseases have resurged, so as to bacterial blood infections.

Before anything else, let's talk about vaccines and its mechanism. The World Health Organization (WHO) stated that vaccines are the biological preparation that enhances an individual's resistance to a certain disease like bacterial blood infections. It generally consists of an agent, similar to a microorganism that causes a particular disease. It is frequently killed or weakened forms of the microbe, its toxins or one of its surface proteins. The agent activates the immune system of the body to distinguish the agent as foreign. Then it's destroyed and remembered by the body so that the immune system can simply identify and eventually obliterate every bit of these microorganisms it subsequently comes across.

According to Science News, scientists would like to provide valid details indicating that vaccines are one of the essential instruments in keeping kids healthy, away from illnesses. A study was published online which exhibits a conclusive data about the effects of vaccines on children. In Pediatrics, statistics shows that doctors started using PCV7 in 2000. It's a vaccine which kept the children safe from 7 kinds of "Streptococcus Pneumoniae" bacteria. Then, in 2010, PCV13 arrived, incorporating 6 more kinds of bacteria to the list. These bacteria can actually give rise to several kinds of diseases which can be quite dangerous to young children. The illnesses include meningitis, ear infections and bacterial blood infections called bacteremia.

Basically, the medical records showed the significant effect of the pneumococcal vaccinations before and after the vaccine existed. 74.5 of 100,000 kids from 3 months to 36 months of age acquired bacterial blood infections preceding the existence of the vaccine. That number then had plunged to 3.5 per 100,000 following PCV13 (that's a 95.3% decrease). Thus, together with the initial outcome, the new research proves the efficacy of the pneumococcal vaccines. The Kaiser Permanente Northern California kept all their recorded data.

So to those babies and children who didn't get sick, especially that of bacterial blood infections, should be grateful for the vaccines. It definitely helped them a lot to keep themselves healthy and protected against certain diseases.

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