The Indicative Signs of Early Death For Post-Menopausal Women Can Be Found On Their Teeth

By Arunima Basu | Apr 04, 2017 | 07:17 AM EDT

Gum disease and dental problem are 15% more likely to increase the rate of early death in women going through post menopausal period. A 7-year long research tracking records from the Women's Health Initiative Observational Study demonstrates 57,000 post-menopausal women showed a connection between teeth problem and early death rates.

According to Hindustan Times, the research found out that those suffering from gum disease were 12 percent more likely to die during the study period. The study was even grimmer for those who have lost all of their natural teeth. They suffer from the danger of a 17 percent increase in early death rate.The reports published in the Journal of the American Heart Association imply a no smiling scenario for Post-menopausal women. Studies indicate gum disease and tooth loss are the first danger sign to suggest of severe health problems. If one is suffering from gum disease or teeth loss, the reason might be some other problem that the body is going through.

As per Mail Online, scientists have revealed that these other problems can range from bacteria accumulating in the gum and spreading elsewhere to chronic heart diseases. The fatality in all cases is much increased. Gum diseases can also be the first indicator of diabetes setting in. Smoking and consuming food with too much sugary substance is a serious no-no for gum problems!

Intensive oral screening procedures with increased age are a must for menopausal women. Early detection of the periodontal condition and immediate measures taken against it can act as a great savior in the course of time. Healthy dietary habits must also be imbibed, in order to survive.

The link between gum disease and mortality also holds true for men, but the severity was noticed much more in the case of menopausal women. Plummeting estrogen levels after menopause weaken the bone structure causing tooth loss. The weakened body can be the reason for an increase in heart health problems, cancer, and other diseases.

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