Set Your Sights On Chiropractic Treatment As A Temporary Relief For Severe Back Pains

By Arunima Basu | Apr 13, 2017 | 15:09 PM EDT

Chiropractic treatment can be an excellent aid for easing bad back problems, but the treatment does not provide permanent relief. Lower back pain is a common ailment, but the permanent fix to the problem is hardly existent as most of the ailments provide only temporary relief.

According to WebMd, chiropractors provide spinal manipulation that can provide only a modest relief to people suffering from lower back pain. Similar spinal manipulation is also provided by physical therapists, doctors and other medical professionals. The primary reason for back pain, of which lower back pain is the most common, is compression of the nerve. The compression occurs from a herniated spinal disc. Sciatica is a common example of this. The non-specific back problem is also another widely acknowledged problem. Chiropractors use measures like re-positioning the spinal disc material or stimulating healthy nerves to ease out muscle tension.

Twenty-six clinical trials conducted in this measure reveal Chiropractic treatment as similar to opting for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen and naproxen and that all these solutions are only temporary relief measures. It can relieve a patient of pain for a maximum six weeks but is not a permanent solution to back problems.

The findings of the result did not deter the American College of Physicians (ACP) from generating new guidelines for handling lower back pain. Nondrug options, which included the practicing of treatments like heat wraps, massage, exercise, acupuncture and spinal manipulation, were given a priority. For some chiropractic services, Medicare and Medicaid insurance is also available, revealed Spine Health.

The general agreement was the time the best healer for lower back pains and searching for any magic bullet like the permanent fix will be a futile effort. Staying active even at the time of acute lower back pain is an important measure as that will help in curing the problem rather than aggravating it.

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