Certain Protein May Increase Risk Of Obesity By Suppressing The Energy-Producing Action Of Brown Fat

By Marnelle Joyce | Apr 20, 2017 | 18:22 PM EDT

Brown fat is a healthy fat that generates heat during exposure of the body to cold temperatures at the same time reduce metabolic disorders and obesity. A new study revealed that elevated amount of Id1 protein restrains its energy-producing action that might increase an abnormal weight gain.

According to Medical News Today, past study discovered that brown fat decreased metabolic disorders and obesity in mice. It was also revealed that there is a link between leanness and this type of fat in human.

High level of Id1 protein lowers the energy-producing effects of brown fat, a new study published in the journal Diabetes suggested. Dr. Satya Ande, the study’s lead author is a molecular biologist at the Georgia Cancer Center and Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University.

Dr. Ande and his colleagues genetically modified mice to generate a high amount of Id1 protein in their adipose tissues. They then gave the laboratory animals a high-fat and a regular diet. The researchers also fed a control group, which are normal mice with similar kinds of diet.

The genetically modified mice earned excessive weight after consuming a high-fat and a regular diet as compared to the control group. An excess amount of Id1 protein attached to brown adipose tissue inhibiting their fat-burning action, the study found.

Furthermore, the researchers claimed that Id1 protein was a risk factor for obesity and diabetes and could be used as a basis when treating these two conditions. "If we can target Id1, we may be able to prevent [...] and ultimately reduce the risk of obesity and related disease," Dr. Ande said.

Some people gain weight rapidly because they could hardly produce brown fat as their age progresses. However, focusing on the molecular level of Id1 protein may aid in boosting the healthy fat, Dr. Ande added.

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