What You Can Do To Prevent Brain Fog

By Staff Writer | Mar 25, 2019 | 21:12 PM EDT

Brain fog is an infuriating condition that besets many people, especially as they grow older. Usually, brain fog is loosely described as an inability to rely on your memory, a general haziness when recollecting anything, and a frustrating tendency to lose your train of thought. In general, brain fog can be considered to be the natural aging of your brain - but sometimes, our brains lose their function faster than we'd like.

Here are some tactics you can rely upon to prevent brain fog from occurring in the first place, and what you should do if you're already suffering from it.

Understand what your brain needs to thrive

The first step towards having a healthier brain that doesn't suffer from brain fog is knowing what your brain needs, not only to survive, but to thrive. Some people claim to understand the importance of a good diet and exercise, for instance, but it's a simple matter of fact that most people aren't making enough healthy decisions in their everyday life. What you consume is what ends up powering your brain throughout the day, so it's imperative you start with whatever you're putting into your body when it comes to fighting brain fog.

Those who enjoy tobacco and alcohol are in for bad news - excessive consumption of either of these is likely to inhibit your cognitive capacity and lead to greater brain fog as you age. This doesn't mean you have to cut beer out from your diet entirely, of course, but rather that you should be exercise moderating in the consumption of harmful substances. Those who take a month-long break from alcohol may find they're missing the occasional glass of wine at dinnertime, but the immense benefits derived from culling alcohol from your diet can't be discredited.

You should also be taking active steps to drink more water in your everyday life. To be clear, you don't need to just say to yourself that "I will drink more water from here on out" - such a shoddy commitment is too weak to mitigate brain fog. If you're serious about bolstering your cognitive capacity, you need to invest in a water bottle or thermos of your choice that follows you just about everywhere you go. Research has demonstrated that nearly half of all Americans aren't drinking nearly enough water on a daily basis, much to the detriment of their health.

Having a large supply of clean ice water available to you on a constant basis is a crucial part of preventing brain fog. For those who are beginning to age and dread what's to come, understand that dehydration and constantly depriving your body of the liquids it needs is a surefire way to hasten the aging process and face debilitating effects of cognitive decay.

Putting your brain on the path to growth

For those seriously invested in preventing brain fog, you need to put your brain on a path to growth by powering it with the right decisions. A healthy, natural diet is the next tool in your arsenal when it comes to the war against brain fog. As experts over at Harvard Medical School's blog have made quite clear, your brain needs good food to thrive much in the same way that your car needs premium gasoline in order to keep running. Putting junk food and too much sugar into your system is effectively the same thing as pouring orange juice and tomato sauce into your gas tank and hitting the open highway.

Outside of your kitchen, you can make other adjustments to your daily habits that will improve the overall health of your brain without resorting to needing to get medical supplies online. Far too many people aren't getting enough sleep, for instance, which is a shame given that few things are more important to the long-term health of your body and brain. According to the CDC, as many as one in every three adults isn't getting enough sleep on a weekly basis, which is why you need to iron out a strict schedule that ensures you're getting to bed on time. If you're robbing your brain of downtime in which it can relax and recharge, you can expect brain fog to take ahold of you much sooner.

Finally, a robust exercise routine is another way to ensure that your body and brain remain happy and healthy. Exercise isn't just mentally pleasing and spiritually renewing when done in the great outdoors - it's medically proven to bolster the overall health and cognitive abilities of your brain. Regular exercise improves your memory and gives you an edge when it comes to critical thinking, so consider hitting the gym or going for a jog if you've been feeling slower lately. Don't sit around and wait for brain fog to reduce your mental state - get a happy brain by drinking more water, eating healthier foods, getting more sleep, and exercising regularly.

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