Detox from Alcohol: Tips and Tricks for Everyone

By Staff Reporter | Sep 13, 2019 | 10:43 AM EDT

Addiction to alcohol or any other drug is dangerous for your body. You have to consider detoxification after a certain point. If you are tired of morning hangover and blacking out, you have to consider detoxification. 

Alcoholism is not only dangerous for your body but your social life. For this reason, you have to quit this awful habit. Remember, alcohol detox may be hazardous to do at home. Detox at rehab facilities is always recommended for drug addiction. 

At professional rehab centers, it becomes easy for you to control withdrawal symptoms, DT (delirium tremens), and fatal conditions. 

Withdrawal from alcohol and drugs is not easy. For this reason, Alcohol rehab by Recovery CNT is helping millions of people to deal with withdrawal symptoms. Under the supervision of medical professionals, you can safely deal with alcohol withdrawal and detoxification.

Risks of Alcohol Detoxification at Home

People often consider at-home detox, but this situation can be difficult at home. Sometimes, you will need professional help to feel controlled and safe. 

The medical professional doesn't recommend detoxification at home. 

Remember, withdrawal from drugs can't be underestimated. It may become a severe medical condition with dire consequences. Make sure to consider this treatment at a rehab facility.  

Alcohol Detox at Home

Self-detox may fail at a point; therefore, you have to join a rehab. If you are determined to detox at home, consider these critical points:

Remove Alcohol or Other Drugs from Home

In the initial step, you have to remove alcohol and any other drug from your home. Remember, withdrawal symptoms can increase your temptation to consume alcohol. In the presence of alcohol, you may not be able to control your cravings.

Clear Your Daily Schedule

Numerous people find it difficult to clear their schedules for weeks or months. It is necessary for the success of the detox process. If you want to detox, take some leaves from work and forget about your responsibilities. It will help you to pay attention to the recovery process.

Get Moral Support

Detoxing from drugs and alcohol doesn't mean to stay alone at home. You can find a family member or friend for your security during this process. Moral support is necessary for you during severe withdrawal symptoms.

Diet Plan for Alcohol Detox

When you face withdrawal symptoms, food will become an essential thing for you. It is necessary to eat healthy food during recovery. Remember, alcohol can affect the metabolism of your body. For this reason, pay attention to your diet.

Stay Hydrated

You may face numerous symptoms during alcohol withdrawal, such as vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite, depression, anxiety, or fatigue. These symptoms may last between 24 and 72 hours and affect your eating ability. Gelatin, ice pops, broth, juice, and water can be suitable choices during detoxification.

Healthy and Balanced Diet

During and after detoxification, you have to focus on a balanced, healthy diet. Your body needs the right amount of calories. For this reason, eat plenty of vegetables and fruits along with whole grains and protein.

If you are detoxing in an outpatient and inpatient treatment facility, they will prescribe medications to affluence withdrawal treatment. You may not get this luxury at home. Try to get some minerals and vitamins to remove toxins from your body. 

During detoxification, your body needs garlic, magnesium, calcium, vitamin E, vitamin C, multivitamins, and B vitamins. 

Before detoxing at home, you have to create a safe environment and have someone for your support. In case of painful withdrawal symptoms, immediately seek help from professionals.

Vegetables and Fruits for Detoxification

Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber; therefore, your body can digest them quickly. People detoxing or withdrawing from alcohol may crave sweets. During this process, you will need fruits with sugar. Some healthy options are figs, bananas, strawberries, oranges, pears, and raspberries.

Prolonged alcohol intake may increase the chances of vitamin B deficiency. For this reason, you have to replenish the supply of vitamin B in your body. Feel free to consume romaine lettuce, asparagus, broccoli, and salmon. 

Moreover, you will need lean beef and fish to provide sufficient protein to your body. To get energy and fiber, you have to consume carbohydrates in the form of whole grains.   

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