Take Control Of Your Health, Today

By Staff Reporter | Nov 04, 2021 | 11:24 AM EDT

With cold and flu season right around the corner, many of us are more concerned than ever about making sure we take control of our health in ways that can make an immediate impact. After all, you're more likely to stick with something when you can see and feel quick results. Maybe you already know a few tips to boost your health and fitness, but we can never have too many, right?

So, adding to a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, eating as healthy and nutritious as possible, you can go even further. For example, your diet, are you really eating as well as you can? Have you tried going plant-based to see if it benefits you? Maybe you'd feel healthier and have more energy living a keto lifestyle. You can't take a one-size-fits-all approach to anything in life, and health is no exception. What works for one may not for another. Let's take a look at things we can all benefit from, though.

Take All Prescribed Medicines

We visit doctors because we trust their knowledge and we're looking for their advice. While it's perfectly acceptable and often recommended to get second opinions on conditions that are more severe illnesses, if a doctor prescribes a medication to you, it's likely in your best interest to take it. Suppose you have pre-existing health conditions like coronary artery disease, diabetes, or anything else that can be controlled with medication. You should always take your medicine as prescribed by your doctor. If you are suffering side effects from them, don't suffer in silence - discuss them with your doctor and see if the dosage needs to be tweaked or a different medicine would be a better fit.

Additionally, if you're of a certain age or with health conditions that put you at risk for certain things, make sure you're getting the recommended vaccinations your doctor says you should - like your seasonal flu shot or that you're up to date on your tetanus booster. Health is wealth, and if you don't have a trusted Primary Care Physician, see who's in your network and make an appointment to find one.

Supplement Your Healthy Habits

You may have found yourself in a conversation or two with friends who swear by the vitamins they supplement their healthy lifestyle. You, on the other hand, may be wondering, "What are probiotics?" Well, we all have to start somewhere. So, go to a naturopath or a local health food store and get educated about supplements that could benefit and compound on all the healthy choices you're already making. They can make all the difference in the world. And, with cold and flu season upon us, you want to make sure your Vitamin C and Vitamin D levels are in an optimal range. There are even supplements that can help you manage stress and anxiety-like CBD oil or Magnesium. It's worth arming yourself with the knowledge and adding these into your daily routine. Of course, cross-check with your doctor or pharmacist about possible interactions if you're taking daily prescription medications.

Keep Things Simple

When it comes to doing things, whether they're for health or anything else, we're most likely to stick with routines that we view as easy. This doesn't mean you're lazy, and it means you're a human being living in the modern world. Between work, family, and social lives, we are busy! So, try and keep things as simple as you can. Focus on drinking your recommended eight glasses of water a day. Once you've got that down, drink more! Make sure you're getting at least eight hours of sleep a night. If you're still tired and need more, take a nap! It's all about listening to your body and honoring your body's needs.

Other ways to keep things simple are to not overextend yourself. Of course, you want to be there for friends and family, but set boundaries if it's becoming too much to do things for them and you're unable to meet your own needs. On the flip side, people who give to others are generally happier, and happier people tend to live longer. Do you see? Health, like life, is one big balancing act. You deserve to take time to keep yourself in the best shape possible, both physically and mentally, so remember that you make work and personal commitments. Here's to your health!

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