Five Men’s Health Issues That You Probably Are Not Thinking Enough About

By Staff Reporter | Jan 03, 2022 | 16:16 PM EST

Health is on the minds of everyone these days, but for many people, this only extends to the pandemic. It is easy, of course, to let that blind us from other aspects of our health. And since many of us unfortunately tend to neglect men's health issues anyway, now is a good time to take a closer look at them. So don't spend all of your free time in your man cave - let's take a look at ways to protect your future!

Mental Health Is Men's Health

Though we are more aware today of the ill effects of toxic masculinity, the truth is that many men have a difficult time dealing with -- or even expressing -- their emotions. After all, men don't cry... right? Well, men do feel pain, and bottling it up or dealing with it in unhealthy ways can lead to depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and even suicide. 

Seeking out a mental health professional is not a sign of weakness. Rather, it's a sign of strength. It is easy to hide mental health issues from others (and ourselves), but it takes some serious guts to be willing to address them head-on. It also just makes sense. There is no need to fight mental health battles by yourself, and addressing them will lead you to have a far happier and successful life moving forward. 

Get Tested

We all know we should get tested for STIs with each new partner, but most people neglect to get tested regularly -- especially when they have been with the same partner for a while. No one wants to imagine they have been cheated on, but you never know, and it is better to be safe than sorry. Honestly, even though most of us know to at least get tested after a one-night-stand, it can be hard to get up the gumption to actually go into the doctor's office even in that case. 

Whether it is because of the inconvenience or it's out of sheer embarrassment, the fact is that it can be hard to take as much care as we should in order to identify any STIs that we might have contracted. These days, however, there really is no excuse. You can even get advanced tests like an HIV test delivered right to your door. Be smart and be safe.

Wear a Condom

While it is great to be in the habit of getting tested regularly, it does not actually prevent you from getting an STI in the first place. Condoms might not be a pragmatic or realistic solution for safer sex in a long-term committed relationship, but it's quite irresponsible -- and unsafe -- to fail to use protection early in relationships or during casual encounters. In the heat of the moment, it is difficult to make this decision. To prevent unplanned issues from arising, decide ahead of time, be sure to be prepared, and have one on you any time you are out and about. 


The two most common types of cancer in men are skin cancer and prostate cancer. Depending on your age, race, and other health background information, you may need different tests at different times. Your doctor will know what tests you need when, but it is important to stay on top of bringing it up with him or her. Sadly, one in six men will get prostate cancer at some point in their lives, and prostate cancer can be deadly and progress quickly. It really should not be taken lightly. 

Testosterone Levels

Testosterone is usually thought of only in terms of the effect it can have on a man's sex drive or sexual performance, but "Low-T" -- as it is sometimes euphemistically referred to -- can lead to a wide variety of health issues that are rarely talked about. These can range from trouble concentrating to low energy to reduced strength and stamina. The good news is that Low-T is easily diagnosed and treated. It can be identified with a simple blood test and then treated with testosterone replacement therapy. 

Just because the only health we hear about on the news and social media has to do with the pandemic, it doesn't mean that all of our health concerns have gone away. Nor does it mean that they can safely sit on the backburner. In fact, now is a great time to be sure and review what you know about health and how you go about living a healthy lifestyle. Because, after all, our health has never seemed as pressing for most of us as it does today.

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