Four Awesome Health Benefits of Having a Pet

By Staff Reporter | Jan 03, 2022 | 16:33 PM EST

First, you don't really own a pet any more than you can own any living being. Get caught abusing a pet and you will quickly discover that you not only don't own the pet, but that you will suffer legal consequences for neglecting the needs of a pet. Animal rights are a real thing in every civilized nation. So while we will go on speaking about pet ownership, just know that it is due to a failure of language to say that you own a pet. You raise a pet, befriend a pet, and care for the needs of a pet. But none of those things implies ownership.

Having a pet might seem like a relationship where the pet gets the lion's share of the benefits. After all, a miniature poodle would not do well in the wild. Whatever instincts she has are mostly dormant. She might enjoy chasing the cat. But hunting out in the real world would leave her unfed. Pets get a lot out of befriending humans. But humans get just as much from befriending pets. Here are four such benefits.

They Help Us Notice the Needs Of Others

It is possible to go through much of your life without noticing the needs of other people. If you don't have any domestic responsibilities, you will be used to looking out for #1. That doesn't make you a bad person. It just means you are less aware of what others might be going through at any given moment. 

When you have a pet, you become aware of their aches and pains and physical issues. You will discover remedies like a pet CBD tincture you found online or heard about from a vet. Your possibilities broaden when you have to care for a helpless animal who depends on you for their health and happiness. Besides making you more empathetic, caring for a pet's needs will remind you of your own. Don't ignore your aches and pains either. Caring for others can lead to better self-care.

They Help You Get More Exercise

Taking care of a pet will help you take control of your health because a healthy pet is one that gets the proper amount of exercise. Even if you don't feel like getting out for a walk, your indoor puppy has to. If they don't, your floors will suffer. That, however, is not the only reason to take your pet for regular walks. They need exercise. All breeds need exercise no matter how much of a couch potato they are. Even the laziest dog needs to stretch her legs from time to time. 

The more active your dog, the more active you will be just by seeing to their needs. You will find that you are getting more disciplined about your own exercise routine. The benefits of that extra activity include having more energy and shedding a few pounds. These benefits come with every new puppy.

Pets Make Us Less Lonely

When you have a dog, you are never really alone. That means you will feel less lonely when you have a pet companion. Loneliness is one of the leading causes of depression. And depression is one of the leading causes of death. Not everyone is socially adept. For some, being social is their superpower. For others, it is their kryptonite. Having a pet means they can have the level of companionship they can handle.

Pets Love Unconditionally

It is emotionally healthier to be loved than hated. You can't control how people feel about you. Feelings are often unpredictable. But your pet loves you all the time. They love you when you make mistakes, when it's your fault, when you have a bad hair day, and when you just don't want to deal with anything at all. They will be right by your side. They also have short memories. So the next time you come home from work, they are just as happy to see you as they were when you first met.

Some dog breeds live for more than 15 years. Some live for 8 or less. Regardless of how long you have your pet companion, you will enjoy the benefits of becoming more aware of the needs of others, including yourself, exercising more, feeling less lonely, and being loved unconditionally.

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