The Top 5 Benefits of Consuming Elderberries

By Staff Reporter | Dec 06, 2022 | 01:35 AM EST

Heading into winter weather is an exciting time of year for many reasons - holidays, snow, and nights spent cozying up next to the fire - but it also means cold and flu season. While it's important to prioritize healthy habits in the winter, like eating healthy foods, getting plenty of sleep (easy with shorter days and longer nights), and regular exercise, there's another item we should all be adding to our healthy lifestyles, Elderberries.  

Elderberries are flowering plants with large leaves that produce clusters of blue, black, and red berries. While berries should not be consumed raw when cooked, they have immense health benefits, particularly when it comes to colds and cases of flu, which are common during the winter months. But, Elderberries have significant benefits year-round, and it's worth adding them to your daily supplement list. Elderberries can be consumed in various ways, from syrups to elderberry pills, and even used in recipes. Please keep reading to learn more about the health benefits of elderberries and why everyone in your family should take advantage of them.

High in Fiber 

We all know how important fiber is to a healthy diet. Getting enough fiber can help prevent constipation, create more regular bowel movements and protect against colorectal cancer. Elderberries are incredibly high in fiber, with over 10 grams per cup of elderberries. High-fiber diets can also help lower blood pressure and cholesterol and help prevent cardiovascular disease. With heart disease being the top killer in the United States, everyone can benefit from the fiber content of this superfood. 

Reducing Acne 

You don't have to be a teenager to struggle with acne; it's common for adults in their 30s and 40s to still struggle with breakouts and skin issues. Elderberries have been shown to benefit skin health, specifically acne, because of their high levels of flavonoids. These flavonoids act as strong anti-inflammatories and antioxidants that protect your skin cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. Elderberry facial cleansers have also been shown to have antiseptic properties, which can calm acne issues. 

Preventing Wrinkles 

While you can't turn back the hands of time, you can ward off its visible effects with the continued use of elderberries. Elderberries are rich in Vitamin A, which improves the appearance of wrinkles and sagging. Vitamin A is also beneficial with hyperpigmentation, so you can ease fine lines and reduce the hyperpigmentation in your face by using Elderberries. 

Fighting Viruses 

One of the elderberries' most well-studied and known benefits is their ability to shorten the duration of colds and other viruses. Countless studies have shown their ability to boost your immune system and help you from getting sick in the first place. Elderberries are powerful antivirals and anti-inflammatories. Most symptoms from viruses are not the virus itself but the body's reaction to it, so elderberries blunt the symptoms significantly. Next time you or your child has a cold, start supplementing with elderberries at the onset and see how quickly you improve. 

Stress Management 

If you're like most people, you deal with stress consistently. Managing your stress levels is essential for overall mental and physical well-being. Elderberries have been shown to help with this as they are rich in Phenolic Acids, which manage damage from oxidative stress on the body. The flavanols in elderberries may also lower your blood pressure and improve blood flow to the brain and heart, which can be compromised during extended stress periods. 

Elderberries' benefits are immense and also include preventing headaches, boosting liver health, minor skin conditions, and infections that cause breathing issues. While it's not contraindicated for most people, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult your doctor before supplementing with elderberries. Elderberries can also have a diuretic effect, so if you're currently taking diuretic medications, it's best not to take them.

If you're sourcing your Elderberries locally, it's important to note that the twigs, leaves, roots, and seeds of the plant are toxic and should not be eaten. While it is somewhat easy to forage for Elderberries, many companies manufacture safe, ready-to-consume supplements in various forms, from gummies, lozenges, tinctures, teas, and more. Start enjoying the health benefits of Elderberries today and enjoy its many benefits. Here's to your health!

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